Psycho-Babble Alternative by Dr. Bob
This is a message board for mutual support and education.
It focuses on complementary and alternative treatments, which, according to the
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
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Posts from archive 20130319
- Re: Dexedrine+St. John's Wort??? Vaughan 4/9/13
- Re: NAC for OCD. Cellulose + Silicon Dioxide! :( josn 5/28/13
- Re: Flowering Quince: dopamine reuptake inhibitor Larkypants 8/16/13
- Tomatheus: Any recreational value? (nm) Lamdage22 8/15/13
- Re: Depression supplements Updated Lamdage22 8/14/13
- Re: Seasonal Affective Order Sufferers-i got the cure. Lamdage22 7/21/13
- Re: Dexedrine+St. John's Wort??? novelagent 4/19/13
- Re: High fat diet and depression Lao Tzu 5/13/13
- Re: My depression: Cured g_g_g_unit 6/4/13
- Re: Overmethylated, Pyroluria, Cu/Zn, Omega 3 Index starblue88 5/2/13
- Vitamin D3 seems to be losing effectiveness Tomatheus 3/19/13
- MYSTERY ILLNESS: Head pressure + Tension PrettyLady 3/26/13
- long-term phenibut use jpa 3/29/13
- Sam-e and Lithium Coldfish 4/14/13
- Brother in law with depression LaoTzu 4/26/13
- Nutrients for depression LaoTzu 4/26/13
- picamilon jpa 4/27/13
- Crystals and Gemstones for Depression Lao Tzu 5/1/13
- finding a nutritionist rjlockhart37 5/11/13
- integrative medicine testing - waste of money? g_g_g_unit 5/17/13
- Magnesium Citrate Leroy Brown 5/23/13
- help for anxiety jpa 6/21/13
- pharma gaba vs regular gaba jpa 6/24/13
- anirecepam jpa 6/26/13
- CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner jackiehawaii 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner Tomatheus 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner jackiehawaii 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner jackiehawaii 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner » jackiehawaii Tomatheus 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner Jackie Hawaii 7/4/13
- Re: CES _Alpha Stim, Fisher Wallace, Sota Bio Tuner Hugh 7/10/13
- long term picamilon use jpa 7/10/13
- another magnesium miracle magman 7/11/13
- Watch soda pop consumption-bad for depression?? Lao Tzu 7/12/13
- nac and aspirin for depression markwell 7/15/13
- What alternative substances for me? Lamdage22 7/21/13
- CES-VS Medication Demon to drug... OhGracie 7/21/13
- Bipolar seeking supplements in addition to meds tcast5000 8/6/13
- Supplements for Schizo-affective disorder Lamdage22 8/10/13
- Ill be a lab rat for sarcosine and glycine Lamdage22 8/11/13
- Taking vitamin D again Tomatheus 8/14/13
- Anything against nightmaires? Lamdage22 8/16/13
- Schizophrenia--medication and supplements Lao Tzu 8/18/13
- Orthomolecular update Christ_empowered 8/21/13
- Switch from Pristiq to Serzone LongRoad 8/23/13
- how psychiatrists use 'crazy' Sebastian Flyte 9/4/13
- New to KPU Treatment Atlee 9/6/13
- TMG johnnybaklava 9/9/13
- d-chiro-inositol vs. myo-inositol side effects? fiat500 9/12/13
- n-acetyl-cysteine Twinleaf 9/17/13
- In praise of Orthomolecular... Christ_empowered 9/17/13
- Vitamin D and brain disorders: Current evidence Tomatheus 10/1/13
- Deplin + other B supplements tabbycat 10/2/13
- Added High Dose B6... Christ_empowered 10/2/13
- has anyone had any success with mensah medical ? kaylah 10/7/13
- Taurine- I'm confused... phinxeezaDr 10/25/13
- Phosphatidyserine linkadge 10/27/13
- Optimum daily EPA dosage? + Questions Lamdage22 11/2/13
- Moringa Oleifera sigismund 11/3/13
- salviarin and splendidin sigismund 11/10/13
- Psychobiotics ihatedrugs 11/14/13
- N-acetyl Glucosamine for anxiety and depression Mogger 11/15/13
- Calcitriol Johnny Baklava 11/18/13
- Can NAC make u feel worse cuz of 'chelation'? Lamdage22 11/23/13
- vitamin d is helping linkadge 12/7/13
- Glycine for OCD and Anxiety but excites glutamate? fiat500 12/11/13
- Vitamin E dose for akathisia g_g_g_unit 12/13/13
- Kratom against Depression? Lamdage22 12/15/13
- GABA sigismund 12/16/13
- Probiotics, chronic fatigue, and hypersomnia Tomatheus 12/19/13
- Glutathione Supplement opposed to NAC Lamdage22 12/20/13
- Is diet coke and coke zero bad for mhealth? Lamdage22 12/21/13
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble/alter
Copyright 1998-2017 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.