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Psycho-Babble Alternative
This is a message board for mutual support and education. It focuses on complementary and alternative treatments, which, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, are "medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine".
Feel free to search the archives or to check out Psycho-Babble Tips, listings compiled by Psycho-Babble participants of helpful web pages on various topics, including drug and herb interactions and coping with crisis.
If you see a
member, please take a minute to say hi.
They might feel scared, and a warm welcome might help them relax and partake. And they'll be more likely to come back!
Don't necessarily believe everything you hear. Your mileage may vary. The only posts I take responsibility for are my own. In a crisis, please also get help in person. It's good to give as well as to receive. What you say may conceivably be used against you. Submitting a message gives me permission to use it as I wish. Please be civil.
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