Psycho-Babble Substance Use by Dr. Bob
This was a message board for mutual support and education.
It focused on issues related to the abuse or potential abuse of legal or illegal substances now or in the past.
Those discussions now take place on the general
Psycho-Babble Medication board, however, so follow-ups to posts here will automatically be redirected there.
Please remember that while it's fine to discuss the use of illegal substances, this site should not be used to exchange information on illegal ways of obtaining substances. Also, please don't ask for substances directly from or offer them directly to others. More details about these policies are in the
and discussion of them is welcome at
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the archives or to check out
Psycho-Babble Tips,
listings compiled by Psycho-Babble participants of helpful web pages on various topics,
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They might feel scared, and a warm welcome might help them relax and partake. And they'll be more likely to come back!
Don't necessarily believe everything you hear.
Your mileage may vary.
The only posts I take responsibility for are my own.
In a crisis, please also get help in person.
It's good to give as well as to receive.
What you say may conceivably be used against you.
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Re: How to stop smoking WEED? myname20098002 3/6/09
Re: Update: this may just work to quit drinking...!!! (nm) Conrad 5/3/09
I had this... blue46 1/30/09
Re: Xanax order from Europe » nitnat Gmill 7/13/09
Re: First Offense cowan78 10/21/08
Re: PTSD and addictions, particularly opiates (long) Gmill 7/13/09
Re: ADD , ADHD , addiction , wellbutrin , adderall WhyandHow 10/11/08
- Re: ADD , ADHD , addiction , wellbutrin , adderall Gmill 7/13/09
- Re: ADD , ADHD , addiction , wellbutrin , adderall ross2009 9/18/09
- Re: ADD , ADHD , addiction , wellbutrin , adderall dlpt2a 3/11/10
Re: Want to quit drinking, but oldschool305 11/17/08
Re: Oxycontin and Tolerance woeisme 7/21/09
Re: How much more? TW maybe WhyandHow 10/11/08
Re: Ketamine + SSRI(s) West 3/1/09
Re: Do not do it! » princenamor Babak 10/3/08
Re: Ketamine and SSRI cowan78 10/21/08
all I want to do is smoke pot obsidian 10/10/08
testing for more annoying errors WhyandHow 10/11/08
1 Klonopin causes withdrawal and voids Adderall WhyandHow 10/11/08
1 Klonopin causes withdrawal and voids Adderall WhyandHow 10/11/08
zenhussy are you out there? paxvox59 11/3/08
12-step groups paxvox59 11/4/08
Quitting drinking is easy IF... oldschool305 11/20/08
I am a marijuana addict obsidian 1/9/09
Heroin and BiPolar Garnet71 2/15/09
past LSD use linked to dep/anx ? myco 2/25/09
Provigil: Some Abuse Potential,but Less Than Stims jrbecker76 3/17/09
I think weed can get in the way of things I.... obsidian 3/28/09
Switch Methadone to Suboxone by short term percoce Gmill 7/13/09
Inhaling compressed air 'Dusting' for computers Gmill 7/13/09
Psychiatrist's Klonopin Detox tothnews 7/23/09
Alcohol for anxiety = alcoholic? TexasChic 7/30/09
Just how dangerous is poppy pod tea? Deneb 8/22/09
The Price of Suboxone Appointments opiumden 9/5/09
how to stop binging? g_g_g_unit 9/11/09
alcohol's effects on stomach lining theobacchus 9/12/09
suicide Impermanence 10/26/09
Another idea for safety Deneb 10/28/09
Nitrous oxide and benzodiazepine cross-tolerance? Fred23 11/8/09
dxm zencommunication 11/17/09
Don't know where to start... sometimesblue 11/24/09
Im drinking rigth now tepi 2/26/10
Experiences with ecstasy during depression? Economist 2/26/10
Genetic contribution to alcoholism SLS 5/18/10
Gabapentin for benzodiazepine withdrawal. SLS 6/8/10
thinking about closing this board Dr. Bob 6/13/10
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Babbletime: Tue Mar 25 11:25:34 CDT 2025