Psycho-Babble Health Thread 311508

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Not such a good day

Posted by Dinah on July 11, 2006, at 15:55:59

In reply to Re: GO Dinah GO!! You can do it! :-) » sleepygirl, posted by Dinah on July 10, 2006, at 17:25:27

I'm tearful, restless, and I cheated. Yes, I ate a biscuit.

I don't think this is worth it. I really don't. Food is just too much a part of what makes life worth living.


Re: Not such a good day » Dinah

Posted by MidnightBlue on July 11, 2006, at 16:31:09

In reply to Not such a good day, posted by Dinah on July 11, 2006, at 15:55:59


I'm in no shape to diet right now. I'm not even getting on the scale. Not sleeping, lots of stress. And of course stuffing my face.



Re: Not such a good day » Dinah

Posted by Deneb on July 11, 2006, at 19:13:04

In reply to Not such a good day, posted by Dinah on July 11, 2006, at 15:55:59

I know what you mean about food making life better. Food is such a comfort. It's hard to limit something that makes us feel better.

I think it's all about moderation. I think it's ok to have some cake, as long as it's two bites of cake and not a whole slice.

I didn't do so well today. Boredom makes me eat. I eat when I'm not hungry. I have nothing to do, so I reach for food. I'm going to have to do other things. I'm determined to lose at least 1 pound before Sun. Instead of eating when bored, I'm going to drink green tea instead. Green tea is an appetite suppressant, I think. It's also full of antioxidants.



Violating the spirit of the diet

Posted by Dinah on July 13, 2006, at 13:47:45

In reply to Re: Not such a good day » Dinah, posted by Deneb on July 11, 2006, at 19:13:04

If not the actual rules.

I'm allowed to eat wheat bread and brown rice. But I'm not sure I'm allowed to eat quite so much wheat bread and brown rice. :)

It's a bit embarassing to admit that I'm rebelling against my very own self.


Re: Violating the spirit of the diet » Dinah

Posted by Deneb on July 13, 2006, at 19:01:55

In reply to Violating the spirit of the diet, posted by Dinah on July 13, 2006, at 13:47:45

You can do it Dinah! I believe in you. Try eating with smaller plates to trick yourself into thinking you're eating more than you are.

I'm going to try that starting today.



eating from boredom

Posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:10:37

In reply to Re: Not such a good day » Dinah, posted by Deneb on July 11, 2006, at 19:13:04

I have the problem of eating when i'm bored too. One remedy is to try to find something to keep you busy. I get really bored and depressed over the summer, so i'm suseptable to overeating.

Earlier in the summer, I did arts and craft stuff...I made clay beads (with bakeable clay - you can buy it at craft stores) and made jewelry out of them, and when I got bored with that, I got a library card and decided to do some reading. I imagine I'll be back to the arts & crafts sooner or later.

It's also fun to try something new. If you don't have a hobby, find one! For me, making things (whether its jewelry, paintings, sculptures, clothing, anything...)is one way to find satisfaction without unecessary eating.

> I know what you mean about food making life better. Food is such a comfort. It's hard to limit something that makes us feel better.
> I think it's all about moderation. I think it's ok to have some cake, as long as it's two bites of cake and not a whole slice.
> I didn't do so well today. Boredom makes me eat. I eat when I'm not hungry. I have nothing to do, so I reach for food. I'm going to have to do other things. I'm determined to lose at least 1 pound before Sun. Instead of eating when bored, I'm going to drink green tea instead. Green tea is an appetite suppressant, I think. It's also full of antioxidants.
> Deneb*


Re: Violating the spirit of the diet

Posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:16:10

In reply to Re: Violating the spirit of the diet » Dinah, posted by Deneb on July 13, 2006, at 19:01:55

I've recently discovered whole grain's not so bad :) It seems to fill me up faster than regular pasta.

Eating on smaller plates does help. Also, eating healthy snacks throughout the day helps you to not overeat at major meals. I've read that you're supposed to eat something every four hours. I like fresh fruit (apples are good, and have fiber), veggies with fat free dip, or light yogurt for snacks. Also, water helps you feel full.

> You can do it Dinah! I believe in you. Try eating with smaller plates to trick yourself into thinking you're eating more than you are.
> I'm going to try that starting today.
> Deneb*


Re: can i join your club?

Posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:21:38

In reply to Re: can i join your club? » cloudydaze, posted by Dinah on July 10, 2006, at 17:09:59


Right now I'm having trouble seems I am struggling with the same few pounds over and over. I think I'm becoming lazy again. The temperature in Southern Illinois lately has been up over 100 and with swamplike humidity that this area is famous for. In that kind of heat, I don't even want to step outside, let alone go for a walk in it....on the days that it's cooler than 100 degrees, it's raining....

So probably the reason i'm struggling is because i've fallen out of my walking routine. I've tried doing other excercise routines indoors, but i must not be burning enough calories.

I just can't make myself go out in the sweltering heat...

> Of course!
> You're doing great you know. Success stories like yours and Midnight Blue's inspire me. I hope you're focusing on how far you've already come as well as on your ultimate goal. :)


Re: Not such a good day

Posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:34:51

In reply to Not such a good day, posted by Dinah on July 11, 2006, at 15:55:59

beating yourself up over a buscuit? I've cheated worse than that...but if you beat yourself up, it's just gonna make things worse.

You should enjoy food, but it shouldn't be everything. And know also that there are now so many healthy alternatives out there - so many low fat, low cal, and low carb alternatives to try out! i've recently discovered that i like some fat free chesses...wouldn't have thought so, but i do. I also found a butter substitute that is actually good (smart balance, and smart balance light - both good). There are products out there that can allow us to have the tastes we crave, but with healthier options.

And for the things we can't find substitutes for, a little of the real thing won't kill us. It's about moderation. If you're craving chocolate cake, have a little (not a lot, a little). Sometimes a little is all ypu need to feel satisfied - and that way you don't feel like you're denying yourself anything.

I'm lucky because i love angel food cake, and it's actually not that bad for you. Since it's made with egg whites, its relatively low in fat and calories. So if my grandma bakes a cake, i don't feel too guilty about having a slice.

> I'm tearful, restless, and I cheated. Yes, I ate a biscuit.
> I don't think this is worth it. I really don't. Food is just too much a part of what makes life worth living.


Re: Not such a good day » cloudydaze

Posted by Phillipa on July 16, 2006, at 22:54:21

In reply to Re: Not such a good day, posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:34:51

Exactly I was on every diet there is Atkins, you name it and could stick with it for two weeks at the most then I would binge gain back what I'd lost and more. One day at the annual OB-GYN physical I stepped on the scale and realized I weighed the same thing I had for over l0 years. That was the end of my diet days. I recognized set-point the weight your body wants to be and stopped dieting and ate a little of whatever I wanted. And one piece of chocolate tastes better then 10 your savor it. Love Phillipa


Re: Not such a good day

Posted by Dinah on July 17, 2006, at 9:51:51

In reply to Re: Not such a good day » cloudydaze, posted by Phillipa on July 16, 2006, at 22:54:21

I'm going to try to get on track. I'm not cheating anyone but myself by eating more than I should of the allowable foods.

I know this is so important to my health. Not only the direct triglycerides and diabetes, but if I really can reduce my medications, it should help my liver from being harmed long term.

But I just hate that itchy jumpy feeling I get on low calories. It's not so much that I want the enjoyment of eating so much as I want to avoid that itchy jumpy feeling.

And wanting to cry all the time.


Re: can i join your club? » cloudydaze

Posted by Dinah on July 17, 2006, at 9:54:45

In reply to Re: can i join your club?, posted by cloudydaze on July 16, 2006, at 22:21:38

I've been wanting to start either yoga or the old workout tapes I did when I was young. Although I fear at my age, they'll just kill me.

But I literally can't find the room in my house to do them. That's pretty darn sad, isn't it?

It's way way too hot to do anything but walk to the car and marvel at how much heat gets reflected off of concrete, and wonder if you really could cook an egg on the sidewalk.


Re: Not such a good day » Dinah

Posted by MidnightBlue on July 17, 2006, at 9:55:47

In reply to Re: Not such a good day, posted by Dinah on July 17, 2006, at 9:51:51


I'm 225 this morning. Not great but not horrible. Stopping the estrogen patch seemed to help me lose 2-3 pounds of water weight.

I REALLY need to lose 25 more at least. Will try to drink more water today. JUST THAT ONE THING, but I will try to do that.

Pick something tiny you can do Dinah. I think the whole diet is too hard right now. What one little thing can you do this week?



Re: Not such a good day

Posted by cloudydaze on July 17, 2006, at 19:36:56

In reply to Re: Not such a good day » Dinah, posted by MidnightBlue on July 17, 2006, at 9:55:47

I'm back at 198 today. A few days ago i reached 197, but I've pretty much been at 198-199 for a few weeks now. Can't seem to get past that point, and i need to lose about 60-70 more pounds to be healthy.

On the upside, I do find myself looking a little thinner - at least i know i lost a few inches...that makes me feel better.

Today i feel like crap though. My boyfriend went to visit his parents out of town for a week...he left yeaterday and i'm already lonely. Probably why i didn't sleep a wink last night, and now i have a headache.

I'm gonna go make dinner. Maybe eating veggie stir fry will keep my mind off of him for a minute (i love veggie stir fry)


PS. Water does help a lot. Makes you feel better in general...cuz ya know...your body needs water. In fact, i think i have a headache because i'm dehydrated.

> Dinah,
> I'm 225 this morning. Not great but not horrible. Stopping the estrogen patch seemed to help me lose 2-3 pounds of water weight.
> I REALLY need to lose 25 more at least. Will try to drink more water today. JUST THAT ONE THING, but I will try to do that.
> Pick something tiny you can do Dinah. I think the whole diet is too hard right now. What one little thing can you do this week?
> MidnightBlue


202 1/2

Posted by Dinah on July 19, 2006, at 9:45:51

In reply to Re: Not such a good day, posted by cloudydaze on July 17, 2006, at 19:36:56

So I guess I'm inching down. Of course that last eight or so pounds was a very recent addition so should be easier to come off.

I've been pretty good about sticking to the letter of the diet and getting better about sticking to the spirit of it. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that when I cheat I'm not getting anything past anyone but msyelf.

I have to watch for sugar lows though. Last night I was sad about something, and hardly ate anything and this morning I felt awful.

On to water and exercise now.


Re: 202 1/2

Posted by cloudydaze on July 19, 2006, at 19:13:28

In reply to 202 1/2, posted by Dinah on July 19, 2006, at 9:45:51


I think you're supposed to eat every 4 hours or so (at least that's what i read...) to prevent sugar lows. I have a hard time doing this sometimes, but i try to remind myself to have a small snack even if i don't feel like i;m starving.

I'm supposed to keep my metabolism up. I've been skipping breakfast a lot lately, which i shouldnt do. My dietician told me specifically not to. So i've got to work on that. Also, I need to work on cutting down on the wine intake. Its ok that i have one glass, but three is not so good.

Still not getting enough exercise, but part of the problem is that i'm not sleeping at i am lazy during the day :(

I weighed in at 197.6 today.

> So I guess I'm inching down. Of course that last eight or so pounds was a very recent addition so should be easier to come off.
> I've been pretty good about sticking to the letter of the diet and getting better about sticking to the spirit of it. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that when I cheat I'm not getting anything past anyone but msyelf.
> I have to watch for sugar lows though. Last night I was sad about something, and hardly ate anything and this morning I felt awful.
> On to water and exercise now.


Re: 202 1/2 » cloudydaze

Posted by Phillipa on July 19, 2006, at 20:07:41

In reply to Re: 202 1/2, posted by cloudydaze on July 19, 2006, at 19:13:28

Those small meals need to contain some protein to stabalize your blood sugar, a cube of cheese, tablespoon of peanut butter on a cracker, yougurt,a handful of nuts. Love Phillipa



Posted by sleepygirl on July 19, 2006, at 22:33:46

In reply to 202 1/2, posted by Dinah on July 19, 2006, at 9:45:51

good work lady!!

I admire your determination.

Best to you,


Re: 202 1/2

Posted by cloudydaze on July 20, 2006, at 1:01:13

In reply to Re: 202 1/2 » cloudydaze, posted by Phillipa on July 19, 2006, at 20:07:41

with the diet i'm on, i'm only allowed so many servings of protein a sometimes my snacks are protein based, and sometimes not. I try to eat fruit & veggies for snacks mostly...I think the fiber makes me feel full. I have a hard time getting enough vegetation into my diet though...I'm supposed to have at LEAST 3 veggie (between 3 & 5) servings a day - they're lowest in calories, and are good for you.

I'll have do do a snack experiment and see which one sustains me longer...protein or fiber :)

It would be interesting.

> Those small meals need to contain some protein to stabalize your blood sugar, a cube of cheese, tablespoon of peanut butter on a cracker, yougurt,a handful of nuts. Love Phillipa


Re: 202 1/2

Posted by cloudydaze on July 20, 2006, at 16:23:16

In reply to Re: 202 1/2, posted by cloudydaze on July 20, 2006, at 1:01:13

Today : 197.4

wow i lost 2 ounces in a

I'm hoping it doesnt go back up again...


Re: 202 1/2 » cloudydaze

Posted by Dinah on July 20, 2006, at 17:19:48

In reply to Re: 202 1/2, posted by cloudydaze on July 20, 2006, at 16:23:16

That's a precise scale. :)

I've got one of those monstrous sized ones you find at doctor's offices with the sliding weights.


Re: 202 1/2 » cloudydaze

Posted by Phillipa on July 20, 2006, at 18:52:41

In reply to Re: 202 1/2, posted by cloudydaze on July 20, 2006, at 16:23:16

Better than a gain right? Love Phillipa


yes i suppose! (nm) » Phillipa

Posted by cloudydaze on July 21, 2006, at 0:04:36

In reply to Re: 202 1/2 » cloudydaze, posted by Phillipa on July 20, 2006, at 18:52:41


can i join your club too?

Posted by Adrift on July 22, 2006, at 21:53:33

In reply to can i join your club?, posted by cloudydaze on July 10, 2006, at 14:00:45

I need to lose 10lbs in a month! I just tried on a dress I need to get into in August and I don't fit in it anymore. Tomorrow, I need to get serious! No sugar or salt. I don't count caleries, so I just need to get healthier. I need to get some exercise too.


Re: My progress so far

Posted by Deneb on July 23, 2006, at 2:17:10

In reply to can i join your club too?, posted by Adrift on July 22, 2006, at 21:53:33

Two weeks ago I was 117.4 lbs, today I'm 113.2 lbs. I haven't really been trying to lose weight but I have been sleeping less...because of work. I just had an ice cream cone yesterday and today.

I think a lot of it is water weight. If I get to 110 lbs, I think I will assume I've actually lost some fat. I will do a happy dance when I get to be 1l0 lbs. That's my first mini goal. My next mini goal is 105 lbs. My goal is 97 lbs.

From now on, I will only eat vegetables when I eat during my 3:00 break at work. I will have a bowl of cereal for breakfast at 10:30 a.m. For dinner I will have whatever my Mom makes. I will try to eat less. I'll try not to snack on Oreos like I've been doing these 2 weeks.


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