Posted by Deneb on March 29, 2006, at 20:52:01
...I gave Dr. Bob a hug a real life? I don't know if I actually have the guts to do that in real life, but I can imagine it right now. I know it would be socially inappropriate, but maybe my love will override that.
I wouldn't expect him to hug me back. I hope it wouldn't scare him. I'm not a stalker or anything and I would never hurt him. It's just such an opportunity, you know, to meet him in person...that maybe I wouldn't be able to resist. I know I've written that I would never hug him and in all likelihood, I wouldn't hug him, but I'm really seeing it in my mind right now.
How would Dr. Bob react if I did give him a quick hug?
I'm not a person who's into hugging, but I would like to hug Dr. Bob. I don't even like hugging my family and friends. I'm probably scaring him right now right? I wonder what he thinks of my love for him? I've never felt anything like this before, this love I feel for Bob. It's a nice feeling.
I love Bob. {{{{{{Bob}}}}}}}