Posted by Daisym on January 23, 2006, at 1:50:59
Why does ending my life seem like a better choice than divorce?
I'm sitting here tonight thinking that I can't do this anymore. Today was just awful, so many hurtful words, a storm that broke open. And he blamed his diabetic reaction on me -- because I stood my ground and got in a fight with him and then *I* didn't recognize what was happening. He said I took advantage of the situation and "picked on him." I was just defending myself. It is too complicated to explain further.
I need a way out. Divorce doesn't seem like a good option, Catholic and kid and all that. But aren't those the very same reasons I'm not allowed to end my life either?
Don't tell me to talk to him. I tried today and it got me no where. I tried more than once and was told how I've changed into a terrible person. He told me that he had a "documented, ligitimate" illness and I...well, I was wallowing and seeing a "quack." I'm telling myself it was in the midst of a crisis and things get said. But how many times does he get to use that excuse?
I'm just so done. Sorry for ranting but I think I'm talking more to myself than anyone out there. This isn't where I usually post, so it does seem weird that i'm sort of saying goodbye here.
The question is, good-bye to what? My marriage?