Posted by Quintal on December 12, 2006, at 15:11:03
In reply to Re: License LONG :) » Quintal, posted by liliths on December 12, 2006, at 14:34:53
>so you're saying that MAOI's are contraindicated with ADD meds? That would definitely rule them out.
They can cause hypertensive crises, but low doses can sometimes be used successfully. Parnate has similar effects to some ADHD meds so it is possible you could do without them, but it doesn't sound worth the risk and disruption to me from what you're describing.
Lamictal could work well with Wellbutrin but word-finding difficulties seem quite common in early treatment and I notice you had that problem already with Wellbutrin alone. Worth trying though and possible substituting the Wellbutrin with another med.
> Doesn't look like I'm going to be able to find an atty to take the discimination case. At any rate, I was given the good advice not to file a suit until after my hearing LOL but I'm feeling pretty bad about the whole thing
I'm going to contact someone at the dept of health for some advice - she was out today - I want to know if I have a shot in hell of getting PRN's recommendations to change my meds overturned
Looks as though you may have to accept that coming off the hydrocodone is likely if you want the license. There are still the other substitutes we've talked about and dopamine agonists may work well for you.Q