Posted by darcan on June 11, 2006, at 9:05:05
I have gone through 6 to 8 proviate psychiatrists over the past 6 years here in Southern California. Most were focused on making money or just took people like me (Severe atypical depression and anxiety) to supplement there true interests.
I have great insurance and am fortunate enough that paying the docs is not a problem. I can't find a good one.
I've been to UCLA and UCI. UCLA was actually pretty good but you get a resident and they leave every year.
Because of the nature of this disease, a true scientist is what I need. Someone that will monitor what the drugs are doing or are NOT doing.
I had one doc that kept adding drugs and never took any way.
Is there such a thing as a great doc? How do I find out if he is successful? If I were hiring a plumber, I'd call his references. In the doc biz you have to make an appointment and pay the guy just to interview him, and you can't get references.
I want someone that specializes in the treatment of depression and has a proven track record of helping patients. How do I find this person?