Posted by alexandra_k on August 17, 2020, at 1:51:27
In reply to Re: new zealand: it's not working, posted by alexandra_k on August 17, 2020, at 1:40:19
It's just a big scummy scam.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority who is supposed to come up with requirements on New Zealand Qualifications (from NCEA or school credits all the way up to MPhil and PhD)... What the Universities are required to do to be allowed to be called 'University' and to be allowed to grant 'Degrees'.
What has to happen to student theses that are submitted for examination?
Studnets have work externally examined by people who have never met them. Their work is examined on it's merits -- right?
Uh... No. Uh... No. That doesn't seem to be a requirement in New Zealand. People just pick which kids they like and some of them they like so much they repeat the year with the same teacher. And so on...
It's just a big scummy scam.
The Tertiary Education Commission. Setting limits on how much the Universities are allowed to invoice for fees - right? Wrong. Setting limits on how much a Degree in NZ is allowed to cost -- right? Wrong. Saying a 3 year Degree needs to be complete-able in 3 years -- right? You can't say a class is compulsory and then refuse to offer the class so tha tstudnets cannot meet requirements for the Degree -- right? Wrong. The University of Waikato invoiced around $15,000 for my MA Degree in 2005 where it should have been only around $5,000 and where the scholarship I was awarded was supposed to cover my fees. I shouldn't have been invoiced anything at all. AUT Invoiced $10,000 for one year of physiotherapy -- that I never started. I withdrew from the course before the start date.
Our government is very very corrupt. These are government departments / organisations.
Teh Chief Executives of the Departments earn how much?
They have stated functions in the Education Act.
They refuse to do their job. They refuse to process complaints.
The Vice Chancellors Committee of NZ Univerities. Refuses to follow whistleblower allegations on NZ Universiteis refusing to process enrolments. Refusing to process completion. Double billing.
Things are very corrupt here.
The Election has been delayed...
The present minister of education...
Is also the present minister of health...
Is also the present minister of the state services commission...
The state services commission sets the salaries of the chief executives. The chief executives refuse to do their statutory functions.
The legal filings... Are to have firm letterhead as a running footer so the judge can....
Decide whether to process the filings??
I filed judicial review and was requested to keep working on the filing and submit again at a later date. To be fair I did not state the legal basis and I did need to redo it... Well... Insofar as justice is not something tha tis supposed to be accessible to the 'common man'. It should be now. I enumerated the judicial review and asked for remedy that falls within that. I asked for financial compensation from tort violation. Negligence. Breach of statutory duty.
Nobody does the things they are paid to do in this couuntry.
Nobody is paid to do the essential work.Corrupt government paying people exhorbitant salaries for no good reason.