Posted by gazo on May 31, 2007, at 19:11:15
ok, this is discussion, just discussion of the issues around the issue. Please, no pleading with people not to do it and PLEASE do not use this thread to threaten or suggest you're about to do it. Also.. DO NOT use this to research methods. USe judgement when talking about specifics.
This isn't about crisis intervention. What i thought would be useful is a discussion of thoughts about suicide, reasons for feeling suicidal, ethics, laws, etc. It's about the discussion of having lost someone, times we came close...
i beg people to be more than civil, be considerate. Personally i have lost people to suicide, i get powerfully suicidal and i very nearly followed through several times. i don't want to encourage anyone to do it, but i don't want to just have this turn into "please don't" stuff. i hear that from people, and it matters but i am more interested in understanding these thoughts and feelings and to find out for myself where reality lies between "live at all costs" and "life is not worth living"
Does this make sense?
i'll start and see if people can jump in. If this thread is appropriate i'd like a very good explanation from Bob personally.
i have been fascinated and drawn to stories and thoughts of suicide since i was very young. i was about 4 the first time i tried to be dead, but i was not old enough to make it happen.. i don't remember why i was even thinking about it. But since then it waxes and wanes. Since the BP started it intensified.
i spend a LOT of time contemplating what people say to me when i am suicidal. i am not convinced that life is always the right choice for everyone. i am deliberately excluding assisted suicides due to terminal illness. i am talking about people who are unhappy, miserable or just tired of life.
i am not currently suicidal but i know my life has been very hard emotionally, mentally and now even physically. i am not convinced of the arguements that life can always get better, make changes...etc.
so i am interested in what people think. Blanket statements as to life being worth living need something to back them up. Why? Why is life worth living? For you? What about for other people? IS it always worth living? Are there people who should be allowed to choose to die (again, outside of terminal illness etc)? Is there any situation you can imagine in which it would be ok?
you see, i post anonymously online about my pain during those times. i can't go talk to someone because they would hospitalize me. i have to hide how i feel and i have to be ashamed. i have to face the fact that the entire world just has blinders on when it comes to the pain some people live in.
anyone else?