Posted by Jost on October 7, 2006, at 11:57:59
I have to finish things I'm working on. One of my biggest problems is that I work on stuff forever, and keep changing it and supposedly making it better, but rather waffling, groping, drifting, changing back and forth and back.
I'm giving the hours it should take (or I'd like it to, and think reasonable) on each drawing that I'm working on now, with a baseline and a limit.
One main goal is to be more aware of the time used, what I'm trying to accomplish in any session, and also how I"m doing relative to the whole. also what parts I'm doing/redoing and what parts I'm neglecting completely.
I can't go on forever anymore, because I don't have forever, and I really need to feel that I've gotten somewhere.
1. Drawing A (drawing of Debbi/now Holly)-- 15 hour target, 18 hour limit. I've done 1 hour today.
Need to do: head, arm, part of knee,foot
2. Drawing B (Kelly,assuming Kelly comes back/I can ever work with her again without getting too upset)-- 15 hours target, 21 hours absolute limitNeed to do, head, left shoulder, hands. slightly adjust parts.
3. Drawing C (Chiche)-- 30 hours target (? 10 times), 39 hour limit (13 times).
Still at the beginning, but I'm going to make this a super-quick drawing. [Maybe this number of hours won't work out. Revisit. but not going to take forever.]
4. Drawing D (Sarah)-- . I don't know- probably need a less draconian point-- getting it sketched in, right composition-- have to think after I see her next week.
I'll record my progress.