Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on August 1, 2007, at 18:54:39
The good news is that I just got off the phone with my mom and I convinced her that I was eating my prepackaged meals (so apathetic that I signed up for food to be delivered to my door...) and that the house was all unpacked. no need to come visit in the next 2 weeks. really no need at all. I was even diplomatic enough to make her think that it was HER idea not to come.
So, my dad, in saying goodbye, says "you sound good, kid. We're really proud of you, and you know, I was probably abused a lot when I was a little kid too, but I always have happy memories and I try to stay happy too, so I know you'll be okay" With this cheerful tone of voice. and then "I love you"
utterly sickening. sick sick sick.
I don't want my dad to come visit me ever. mom, okay, but dad. no. it's just that dad can't be left alone for more than 24 hours because he's decrepit and brain damaged. so what then?
well, doesn't matter now, because they're not coming to visit me. I keep hoping that another hole in his brain will open up and swallow up whatever memory he has of me confronting him with child abuse. Maybe it will swallow up part of his midbrain this time too.