Posted by happyflower on June 12, 2006, at 15:43:56
Okay, you all know I am taking Psych class, well last week we were talking about "forgotten memories" of horrible stuff.
Well it seems like they saying that most horrible stuff that happens to you, you remember even more so because of the physical reactions like increased hormones and stuff like that duing the event.
Well I think I tried very hard to forget the bad stuff that has happened to me even while it was happening. Then through therapy, some of this stuff triggered the forgotten memories.Like my burn accident I had 6 months ago. I even got the feeling (athough he didn't say it) is why I didn't tell him of this before, it was like he didn't believe that I forgot it.
My book says that this Freudian therory is overused and almost believed by everyone including therapist who know the evidence against it. But my book claims and my instructer says that most "forgotten memories" are false. Well I know for a fact my memories aren't false, I have the burn scars to prove it. I didn't tell my instructor of my experiences and don't plan to. I don't know if I want to research into this (which is what I normally do), maybe I should just talk to my T about it since it is rather upsetting stuff to think about.
The book did say a small percentage of people have dissaccociated their bad abuse, we all disassociate to some degree, but it is over dianognosed. What do you all think?