Posted by Racer on June 13, 2004, at 14:02:48
In reply to Re: Good advice, but not possible » Racer, posted by Pfinstegg on June 12, 2004, at 22:44:09
I wanna go hiking with you. Next time you go, will you bring me back some sock yarn? Germany makes the best sock yarn, you know. (As well as the best of most other things, like FOOD, but I won't ask you to bring me back anything to eat. Just a couple of pounds of sock yarn.)
Listen, I really appreciate the thought behind the suggestion. And I really appreciate that you took the time to answer me. Must be because you like to hike in Switzerland. (I'm guessing it's a German speaking region, rather than French or Italian, based on the name. If I'm wrong, forget the sock yarn.)
I'm driving myself crazy about the whole pdoc thing, you know. For one thing, my experiences with that agency have been such a nightmare, and they do that whole "treatment team" model which has been a big part of the problem for me. Everyone else on the treatment team have lectured or scolded me about things he's said -- as in, "Dr EyeCandy says that you..." -- and I'm convinced that the process works in reverse, too. That he's heard the whole damn thing from them about how really rotten I am, how it's my fault and that nothing will help me because I refuse to cooperate at all. What's so really devastating about it is that I've been trying to say all along that a lot of what they were trying to force down my throat was inappropriate for me and that they'd see that if they'd step back and try to identify my own personal issues. The response was always some version of, "You're just in denial, the [insert name of inappropriate therapy model here] really is what's best for you because it's best for everyone, so your failure to face that is a further sign of your psychopathology." Can you imagine being trapped in that? It's like being stuck in a revolving door, knowing you'll never be able to get anywhere at all, but not able to stop it from moving.
There's another key piece to all this, but I'm not ready to post it -- because I'm so afraid that no one would believe me if I do! LOL Ain't it great when a well-meaning therapist has you running so scared that you can't tell the whole story to anyone? I could probably post this part and have a lot of people say, "Wow, no wonder you're having problems with this! What a lousy attitude that shows on his part." Someone might even be able to say, "Here's a way to say it that might get past that attitude, you could try saying, [x]" That would be great. But I'm so afraid of having someone come back with, "He's absolutely right, you just can't see that it's all your own fault and you should consider yourself lucky he even shows up for your appointments" that I just can't post it. You know?
Anyway, tell us about your hiking, 'K?