Posted by Elroy on February 19, 2005, at 14:05:56
In reply to Re: Selegiline, posted by world citizen on February 18, 2005, at 23:38:23
Yes, I have an endocrinologist but he is concerned only with tracking my cortisol levels to see if I get to the Cushing's state at some point (he doesn't believe so based upon the way the test results have been going). That, and writing scripts for my TRT therapy (AndroGel). If I need other things tested, like DHEA or estrogen levels, I pretty much have to beg him for them as he seems to be clueless as to why I would want those things tested. And this guy works for a major metropolitan clinic. Of course he is prety much a Cushings type of specialist so that may account for a lot of it also.
I'm thinking seriously about giving the 7-keto a try. I have frequent daytime fatigue and lack of motivation (some of which may be getting caused by the Xanax?) and if the 7-keto could counter that, help knock back the cortisol, and have a positive effect on the neuropathy, well, that would be heaven sent! Right now am using Rhodiola Roscea (a Russian herbal), PS, and Relora (magnolia extract) as my primary anti-cortisol compounds, with some limited effectiveness. Actually, right now I have cut out my anti-cortisol supps as I have cortisol level testings with my endo next week and he likes them done "clean" so he has a better idea of what the body is doing "on its own".
No, I have cut my soy consumption out almost completely. I'm sure when we got out to eat I get some soy-based products here and there (since it's in salad dressing and various things), but consumption is very, very minimal. I also take zinc and the product DIIM to keep estrogen conversion under control (my last test results showed estrogen levels to be doing decently).
Haven't really looked into accupuncture as (A) my insurance won't cover it and (B) haven't found one in my NE Ohio area who stood out as being "the real deal". I have experimented some with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which works on some of the same concepts as accupuncture (energy meridians, etc.).
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> Hey, 2 things come to my mind in response to your post. First, do you have an endocrinologist? It seems to me that the DHEA would help, but if you've got some sort of endocrine condition I think you should consult with them. I believe your anxiety is at LEAST as valid as whatever other conditions you've got going on. I've tried the 7-KETO stuff and it totally wired me up and made it so that when I got hungry I got SERIOUSLY hungry. I mean the CAT FOOD was starting to look good, and it was the DRY stuff!!!
> Are you consuming soy products? Soy is VERY estrogenic.
> Secondly, I would thoroughly suggest you find a GOOD accupuncurist. Some people think if they can't understand how a thing works that there is no scientific basis to it. Let's put it this way, the State of California allows Acupuncture for certain medical problems. I see mine because of pain. I'm thinking about neuralgia+acupuncture=Elroy feels much better!!!!!! I hope your insurance covers it and I hope you can find a good one (they're like MDs, just because they have a license to practice doesn't mean they were A students!!!) AND I hope you're open to the possibity that this could help. They even have meridian thingies for stress etc. I'll put it this way Elroy, if I get a sufficient amount of money out of this "case" I intend to give my acupuncturist an agreed upon retainer so I can go in and see her whenever I need to and won't have to jump through any Medi-Cal hoops!!!!!
> AND I just got verification from iHERB they are sending my stuff! YIPPEEEE! (No, I'm not wired up I just tend to be very enthusiastic!)
> World Citizen
> Just started TMG this last week. Am still building dosages up. Just about to where you are at. Haven't really noticed anything yet. I used samE for a while there and did seem to notice a difference. And then recently read that TMG not only accomplished the same thing but was safer and cheaper. So figure I'll give it a more prolonged try.
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> > My DHEA levels were recently tested and weren't terribly bad. Within a lab reference range of 18.0 to 319.0 mine were at 139.6. Still was less than 50% level. Assuming that they would be better off at the "top third" level, so around 210 to 300 range, I figured that I probably should be supplementing??? I'm just surprised that the level wasn't even lower, what with the high cortisol levels (back in Sept/Oct my cortisol levels were 5 to 6 times the maximum normal range).
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> > Question... do you think that the 7-keto-DHEA version would be just as effective as the regular DHEA? Being on testosterone replacment therapy already (yes, it started back in June along with all of this other business), I would prefer to steer away from the androgenic effects of regular DHEA as I could develop a problem with excessive conversion to estrogen. That would throw my TRT program horribly and terribly out of balance.
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> > I do believe that the cortisol problem - with me - is one of the central keys. I do think that the extreme anxiety initially suffered (in this most recent bout) caused the really high cortisol levels (and not the opposite), but I also believe that the HPA Axis has gotten "stuck" in a broken position and needs to somehow get re-set - otherwise none of the anti0anxiety or AD supps are going to work completely effectively!
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