Posted by Lou Pilder on January 26, 2014, at 16:37:25
In reply to Re: The Hsiung-Pilder discussion, posted by Dr. Bob on January 23, 2014, at 4:52:23
> > The post is not about Job. I am the subject person in the post.
> I see the post as having 2 parts. You're the subject of the 1st, and God is the subject of the 2nd. You're in the best position to repudiate the 1st part, for example:
> > The post says ... that I have a burden to save souls. There is no evidence stated to lead to that conclusion. The statement is false
> I'm open to addressing the 2nd part:
> > To say that Job had suffering imposed by God to him does not mean that all Jews will have suffering imposed upon them. And the subject is not suffering, but slavery imposed to me by God.
> In that case, wouldn't it follow that saying God imposed a treacherous form of slavery on you doesn't mean God will impose a treacherous form of slavery on all Jews?
> > The use of {treacherous} is an insult to the {character} of the God in question that the Jews cherish. The statement says that God is a liar and a deceiver and not to be trusted. The claim is false and could arouse anti-Semitic feelings to a subset of people and lead a subset of Jewish readers to feel shame and humiliation and ridicule.
> "Job ... was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Yet God imposed suffering on Job. Could that lead a subset of people to feel God is not to be trusted?
> > > treacherous
> > > 2 a : likely to betray trust
> Could the Book of Job evoke feelings of shame, humiliation, and anti-Semitism?
> > Never again.
> That seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it, so I did a quick search:
> > > the slogan of the Jewish Defense League
> > > The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a Jewish religious-political militant organization whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary". While the group asserts that it "unequivocally condemns terrorism" and states that it has a "strict no-tolerance policy against terrorism and other felonious acts", it was classified as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the FBI in 2001.
> BobMr. Hsiung,
You wrote, [...I am open to addressing the 2end part...].
The second part concerns what is known as theological anti-Semitism, or sometimes called anti-Judaism and characterizes the Jews in relation to insulting the God that the Jews give service and worship to by characterizing that God as a liar and not to be trusted. This could lead Jewish readers and others to feel put down and suffer humiliation and ridicule if it is allowed to be seen as supportive by you. And posts that are unsanctioned are said to be supportive by you and will be good for this community as a whole.
The statement as it is could lead IMHO a subset of readers to think that by you not addressing it that you are intentionally developing and validating the insult to that God which IMHO could reinforce hateful notions about Jews and allow a distorted presentation of Judaism to be seen as conducive to the civic harmony and welfare of the community and lay the groundwork for hatred toward the Jews to be developed here. And there is the possibility that readers here could see the statement as socially acceptable so that in their real life a foundation for real world hate and violence toward Jews could be fostered here. For if the statement is allowed to stand, more postings of the same nature about how Jews are characterized and more insults of the God in question could proliferate as posters could see that the statement could be thought to be ratified by you and your deputies of record then.
The statement as I contend, does not rest on what you want readers to think about what is in the book called, "Job" as to if what you posted is what you think after reading it or if you are using someone else's interpretation of the meaning of the book. The book has various interpretations, but so does the book called "Jonah". And so does the book called "Noah". And the scriptures that the Jews use do show that the God in those scriptures does choose particular people for a particular purpose. And because Jonah was in the belly of a great fish for three days and three nights, and we see that there has not been another person swallowed by a great fish, or another person to build an ark to save humanity as the animals from the Great Deluge, or another father to be told by God to take his son and kill him to be tested to this God, the study of those scriptures could give a different perspective from the one that you want to propose here concerning Job. For those scriptures show a progressive revelation and it is even written that this God said that He would never destroy the Earth by flood again. And when we read about Jesus of Nazareth, we see what happened once and for all time. And it is written, [ pleased the Lord to bruise Him...]. And as Jonah suffered three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so did The Anointed One suffer for three days and three nights in The Heart of The Earth. And yet this same Jesus said, [..."Take up your cross and follow me"...]. Are Christians today to be under the same statement that I am objecting to here in that they have imposed into them a treacherous form of slavery by the same God?
The aspect of the statement in question as being used in theological anti-Semitism goes back to around 300 CE by those in Egypt that persecuted the Jews then. Almost the exact same line as the statement in question was used in a campaign to discredit the Jews and distort the meaning of Judaism to legitimize hatred toward the Jews then.
I contend that the statement in question is inconsistent with the forum's purpose, which is for support and to not post what could put down those of other faiths. You have posted that regardless of even if there is some truth to something, or even if the bible says it, being supportive takes precedent and if something is not supportive, not to post it. And worse than that, the book called Job is a book that revelation to the readers can come from. And remarkable, what I have been attempting to show here, that is prohibited by me to post due to your prohibitions posted to me here, is the revelation parallel to Job, in particular concerning what I have been attempting to post about The Great Gulf and The Great Deception.
If you are going to leave the statement to lead people that it is supportive, then let us go to the next post that I object to you leaving it unsanctioned to have the potential to be seen as supportive by a subset of readers.
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder