Posted by B2chica on March 20, 2016, at 23:20:56
In reply to Lou's response-the leader of the pack » B2chica, posted by Lou Pilder on March 20, 2016, at 8:45:05
i have never responded to one of your benighted comments before, but tonight i think i will.
Lou You wrote: [you all here that are contributing to this member staying in the midst of hell, could also lead this person to her death.]-First that is an illogical and improbably comment. althought i love and graciously appreciate the support and suggestions here on the board, i always go with my knowledge of medication and my body, as well as other physicians i have tending to me which i trust as they are expereinced, intelligent and proven to truly have my best interest at heart. so stating that memebers on an online forum could even slightly contribute to my death is highly improbably, and harmful and i am astounded how you can create such a statement unless it is only created as a 'shock-value' statement, which again would prove what you wrote is more about you than about me.
-Lou, your next statement
["he chemicals that the pack of members here are advocating to the member that is in the midst of hell could cause her to kill herself of be killed by the drugs. The psychiatrist that would give these concoctions of death to her knows or should know that fact. You see, when these drugs are combined their effects are increased exponentially. That means that the drugs that could decrease heart or respiration such as central nervous system depressants, could cause heart or respiratory depression to cause death as just one way these drugs kill."]-i dont know of any single pharmaceutically produced 'medication' that does NOT have the potential to cause severe side effect, permanant damge or even death. and that includes the bottle that almost every american has in their cabinet 'tylenol'.
as a note, i am in my 40's and always read the side effects portion of the meds i get. i also know my body, and if something isnt write, i get help even if that means going to emergency room. i am VERY aware of all the dangers and hazards these psychopharmacological meds have. HOWEVER, with my knowledge, understanding and trained/experienced doctors i make an informed concent to be treated with these meds. SO for you to state the obvious, once again seems more like a tirad of scare tactics and bulling rather than a dignified response meant to help.Lou, your next statement:
[ "By allowing Scott to defame me here and post anti-Semitic propaganda against me here with impunity and promote these drugs with impunity, others could follow him with advocating more drugs. By Mr. Hsiung not interceding here and allowing Scott to defame me and stigmatize me here, Scott could be seen as the leader of the pack that could bring addiction, life-ruining conditions and death here all under the guise of being supportive, for support takes precedence according to Mr. Hsiung"]-it sounds to me that you have hi-jacked MY thread where i am asking for help and support for you to go off on another user of this site. i find that inconsiderate, and childish. it is unfortunate that you cannot find more appropriate ways to express your concerns, and it is also unfortunate that you seem to target the one user that has a lot of experience and gives all the users here on this board lots of emotional support. SO by tearing him down you are only making yourself to look (to me) as juvenile, self-centered, discourteous, and a bit myopic.
Lou, your next statement:
["Who will you follow today? Do you also want to be led to the midst of hell?"]-Lou, i can assure you, and i am going to go ahead and assume i speak for many others on this site. Nobody wants to be on these medications, nobody wants the horrible side effects or risks of harm to their bodies. But the fact that so many ARE on these meds and do suffer (and i mean really suffer) from horrible and sometimes lasting side effect...well doesnt that say anything to you lou? you mention being led to the midst of hell, yet if you would have read even ONE of the posts you spew your distressing editorials to, you will notice we are all ready in the midst of hell. Yes Lou, we are already there, not because of the meds, but because of our biology. we are all fighting to stay alive... and quite frankly, as i speak for myself, if that means i shorten my life by 10 years because of a certain med that i'm on...if that med gives me even 1 year of lucidity and peace... i say to hell with those extra 10 years. because if my disease makes it so my life is so horrible that i am not even aware of life and others around me, if it prevents me from spending time or holding and loving my family and friends. than i dont want those extra 10 years.
-and another note, if someday. one of the meds i take happens to end my life.. well than my epitaph will read: "She died trying!" and eveyone here will know, finally i will be at peace.
so that is just fine by me.
-a note about your comments. They are uneducated blatherings of data your are clearly uneducated in. your comments seem to me to be ill-advised, and ill-considered. as well as presumptious and imperceptive
Lou, i have one last thing to say.
i am pretty sure (knowing your online personality) that you will immediatly go on the 'defensive' and try to retort -though i'm sure unsuccessfully-a retort filled iwth backlash and pejorative remarks- but i would like to tell you.. dont bother to direct any toward myself as i wont read it, nor will i read any other posts you have. and i hope no one else does either, as they will not recieve what they are looking for here.
The way you write, your notes show all of the above that i mention, but never include helpful critism or respect for others, not to mention you do not add any information or support of value. so overall i am not sure why you post, other than to get on your 'soap-box' of hating pharmaceuticals. i stronly urge you to alter your writing skills. although, understanding a little of your online personality i do not believe that either will occur.So last i say my goodbye.
i wish you luck in the future and hope that you can become one more member of support here. If that does not happen, you can be assured, if a line is from Lou Pilder i will not read any of it.i hope you have read it all, as i think they are all things that have needed to be said.
Best Wishes to you
-b2> > Are tricyclics any good with bipolar depression?
> >
> > I am in the middle of hell with mixed episode. My depression was severe so pristiq was taken back to 100mg, and Zyprexa taken off.
> > I think it's pristiq just isn't going to work for me annymore.
> > But I've been in poor state so long now, I don't know I have the strength to do multiple med trials.
> >
> > b2
> Friends,
> It is written here,[...I am in the middle of hell...].
> It has been revealed to me how to be released from the prison of hell. And what you all here that are contributing to this member staying in the midst of hell, could also lead this person to her death.
> Friends, be not deceived. The chemicals that the pack of members here are advocating to the member that is in the midst of hell could cause her to kill herself of be killed by the drugs. The psychiatrist that would give these concoctions of death to her knows or should know that fact. You see, when these drugs are combined their effects are increased exponentially. That means that the drugs that could decrease heart or respiration such as central nervous system depressants, could cause heart or respiratory depression to cause death as just one way these drugs kill. By allowing Scott to defame me here and post anti-Semitic propaganda against me here with impunity and promote these drugs with impunity, others could follow him with advocating more drugs. By Mr. Hsiung not interceding here and allowing Scott to defame me and stigmatize me here, Scott could be seen as the leader of the pack that could bring addiction, life-ruining conditions and death here all under the guise of being supportive, for support takes precedence according to Mr. Hsiung.
> Who will you follow today? Do you also want to be led to the midst of hell?
> Lou
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"What is madness, but nobility of soul at odds with circumstance.
The day is on Fire, and i know the purity of pure despair."
Theodore Roethke