Posted by Elizabeth on June 13, 2002, at 22:34:45
In reply to Re: sidetrack from Addiction » ShelliR, posted by Sally green on June 13, 2002, at 7:08:09
More for Sally (gosh you posted a lot there!)...
> Thanks for the info. I have yet to hear about the internasal spray.
There isn't one, although a compounding pharmacy could make one. You can use Buprenex intranasally, but it's kind of a hassle: you need to lie down and tilt your head back, then squirt the solution from a syringe into your nose, then stay lying down for a few minutes. You can also use it sublingually, but you have to be very careful not to swallow it.
> I do know that they are using some type of sublingual form at this illegal detox where I first discovered Buprenex.
That's Subutex (the sublingual tab) or Suboxone (same with naloxone added).
> They promote their detox as if they are operating within the law. They demand that everyone provide proof of some type pain or depression. They never follow any of their promised protocals for detox and convert everyone to a pain management or depression patient and carry on services for as long as 2 years or more.
I think I see what they're trying to do. I think it's technically legal, though perhaps a little bit cheesy. But the reasons they're doing it are good ones, though perhaps they're not doing what you'd like them to be doing. Anyway, what protocol were they planning to use when you were admitted?
> They demand that everyone provide proof of some type pain or depression.
This is what makes it legal.
> I expect that the FDA will change their allowance on this drug, like Qualuids, in the 80's and doctors will eventually be allowed to only prescribe them for terminally ill cancer patients.
I doubt it. The medical profession -- and society in general -- is coming to recognize the need to treat pain in all patients, not just those who're dying. Anyway, oxycodone (the active ingredient in OxyContin) is similar to morphine, except that oxycodone has better bioavailability when given orally. It's not like it's some new superdrug or something. OxyContin is a sustained-release formulation, which is very useful for people with chronic pain.
> The problem, as most times, is created by doctors.
On the contrary: "medical addiction" is rare. Patients who abuse oxycodone, of course, are risking becoming addicted; pain patients who take the medication as directed seldom become addicts. These days I think that people who take oxycodone recreationally probably get it through "diversion."
> I have friends with no serious past injuries who are being given as much as 7.25 ampuls of Buprenex per day.
I don't know if that's a lot, it depends on the route of administration. If it's sublingual, and if the person is a drug addict, I wouldn't be surprised. Addicts sometimes need whopping doses.
> Documentation of their so called injuries show back problems that a wise doctor would recommend heat, rest and maybe give the patient 15 regular vicodins.
Have you read their charts???
> The Buprenex is great! After 22 years of suffering with pain I have the most significant pain relief ever.
That's good! I think you might want to consider using it long-term for your chronic pain. One thing I've noticed that I find very impressive is that I haven't become tolerant to it -- neither to the antidepressant nor to the analgesic effect -- after taking it for almost 2 years. That's unusual, though; certainly, people taking full-agonist opioids for long-term or chronic pain will need to increase the dose. This is not necessarily evidence of addiction; tolerance is a normal response to taking these drugs regularly.
> 100 Serex and 100 restorils per month??
That's not unreasonable. Serax (not -ex) is taken several times a day. Restoril isn't great for long-term insomnia, but a lot of doctors use it (I don't know if 100 is a reasonable amount in a month because you didn't specify the dosage -- benzos come in multiple strength).
> This office makes you buy all of your prescriptions at their on premises pharmacy. AKA...A chick with a key around her neck, pushing a drug cart!!
She's just the delivery girl; it's the same in hospitals. They have a pharmacy to dispense the stuff.
> It is my opinion that Buprenex offers a great possibility for detoxing heroin and oxy addicts. However, once word gets around about these clinics "sneaking" patients into detox, over prescribing Buprenex due to the ignorance/greed of the doctor and clinic, it may take many more years to have the drug approved.
That may be true. I think that the worse problem is the patients who try to scam doctors into giving them drugs.
> FDA will have to rethink their guidleines for distribution and that takes time!
Distribution? What do you mean?
> My entire adult life has included severe neck pain and problems! This pain has affected my schooling, work, entire life!!
I feel for you -- depression has affected me the same way.
> As I stated in my last letter, there is a pharmacy here in the US that sells Buprenex for 2.72 a vial, should your doctor decide to prescribe.
That's a reasonable price (vials are different from ampules, BTW). I think I mentioned elsewhere that it costs around $3/ampule at the pharmacy where I get it.
> People use IM drugs everyday for things like diabetes!
Diabetics don't -- they inject insulin subcutaneously (have you seen the syringes they use? the needles are waaaaay too small to reach a muscle...but I'm told that addicts like them for IVing). Very different.