Posted by becksA on December 22, 2006, at 13:02:55 [reposted on December 23, 2006, at 13:13:48 | original URL]
Some of you may have read my posts lately about me being so close to finish college/university, but in order to get my parents support they want me to work 3 more months to help with money as they are also supporting my brother and sister. In any case, I have talked about how I don't think I can go back. My boss is a maniac, has serious anger management issues, and I am his direct assistant. Every day is the same, I work in shipping/receiving, so every day at the same time the trucks come and I unload boxes, count them, log them in, count them, and price them. Every day is the same, and I hate my boss.
I appreciate what you, Eleanor and Ronaldo have inspiring me because check this out. :) My boss is about 25 years older than me, rents this single bedroom apartment even though he could afford more if he didnt waste his money and save it better, refuses to use a 401k, and I ask him how can you do this mindless work 6 days a week 60 hours a week for 25 years and not go crazy? He responds by saying he just shuts his brain off. That says it all. I'm not like him. I've got to get those 3 months done with so i can finish University and get a proper job that I really enjoy doing, but it is going to be a horrible 3 months!
I have talked to the manager once, she knows what I'm going through in terms of meds, but how am I to be sure that she hasn't told my boss (and just told him not to tell me)? How will I know who else doesn't know? Word spreads quick in a retail store like that.Question is, if I can gut it out and really just force myself, could I count on you guys as support? Come back after a days work, say what happened...what I'm'd be my only true support network in those 3 months. Then I could finally finish school :) sighhhhhhh
thanks :-/