Posted by Quintal on February 19, 2007, at 13:45:34
In reply to Ooh my aching hips................................ » Quintal, posted by Quintal on February 15, 2007, at 20:28:45
I went from all that other stuff to this stuff, and now I'm thinking it would be good for a change to switch back to that stuff. Maybe Parnate with Lyrica and Ambien?
I must confess I had a relapse and started taking both Paramol and Nurofen Plus together again. There was a 50% discount offer on at the chemist and I was weak in the face of temptation.
They don't seem to be soothing me any more, but instead making my anxiety worse. Maybe similar to what happens with benzos and anxiety when you've built up tolerance? The problem is I'm just too impatient to wean myself off them gradually.
Haven't taken any since this morning so we'll see how this attempt goes.