Posted by fallsfall on June 11, 2005, at 14:06:42 [reposted on June 15, 2005, at 21:50:12 | original URL]
In reply to To school or not to school, posted by Dinah on June 11, 2005, at 10:20:39
Try one class for a couple of semesters before you try two. Choose classes to start that you know will be interesting for you (I think this is more important than how difficult they are).
What is the worst that could happen? You might have to drop the class part of the way through the semester. That would be unfortunate, but not horrible. And you could learn from that experience - maybe taking classes isn't a good idea, or it isn't a good idea at a particular time of year, or you need to find a different schedule, or a different professor, or a different subject.
You can have a goal, but not need to commit to that goal until you have tried it out a bit. It sounds like something you want to try. So try it! You can always adjust things as you go along.