Posted by Lindenblüte on November 25, 2006, at 16:46:17
In reply to Re: I'm really upset » karen_kay, posted by Lindenblüte on November 25, 2006, at 12:53:08
Well, since I'm already here,
I might as well ask Karen Kay the status of our honeymoon plans. I mean she proposed and all, and I'm not sure we're allowed to marry each other, but at least we could have a honeymoon, right? I DID buy you that fancy ring, my dear!(joke)
Deneb, how are you doing? did you notice Dr. Bob put up a new picture?I'm worried about you. I haven't been keeping up with you as much as I should have, but please know that you are always in my heart. You are a very cool sweet person, and I know that things are kind of messed up right now, but I think you've been through a LOT this year.
You've done really well though- you took two big trips on your own, or with your friends. You took good care of you on those trips, and even kept everyone laughing with your picturesque observations.
You started off this semester with really ambitious goals, and from what I can tell, you've done pretty well, even recovering your drive after a few insomniac nights and anxious exams.
Please keep in mind that you are taking THE HARDEST science class ever (In my experience). It's not easy to keep that kind of stress neatly tucked away in your backpack. It's bound to invade other locations, like your appetite, your moods, your social interactions, etc. I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time with it all. To have disordered eating, and struggle with that on top of it must be really overwhelming.
You've been very kind to everyone on babble, from what I can see. You haven't been blocked since I've been on babble, which is a good 6 months now. You're doing well responding to posts and such. So, maybe you're not ready for the things that people wish you to undertake. Maybe you ARE ready, but you're resisting for some important reason. Remember that you are an adult, and what you choose to do (or not do) is always up to you. If you ever feel like you might not know what the best thing is, or perhaps that you MUST do something, but you're not strong enough to-- well, please try your best to find help in real life.
Know that we'll be here for you, no matter what :)