Posted by Nathan_Arizona on May 29, 2007, at 13:34:37
In reply to Wanting to issolate my miserable self * trigger*, posted by Happyflower on May 29, 2007, at 11:36:27
Man oh man, I have trod the road you are on and it is a lot like quicksand, but remember if you curl up in the fetal position or, worse, flail about you will sink faster.
First, don't forget to allow yourself to just feel like crap sometimes. You know, what is the big friggin' deal with everyone always wanting to feel good all the time. I don't, you don't and not everyone else does either. Bad times happen, they don't last and it is not the end of the world. Sometimes you just have to ride it out. You're right, your kids will forgive you - of course they will! They are your kids!
Second, evaluate your level of pain from your accidents. Is it tolerable? Is it chronic? Pain can be the most soul sucking, fatiguing thing out there. Look at yours and be honest, is there more that you could do to give you relief. Also, when you were in pain, did you get to resolve it do you think? I mean talk about it. Even if you are in no pain right now, pain trauma can have an impact on mood - kind of like PTSD.
Third, set reasonable goals for yourself and acheive them each day, each hour, each minute. Look today you went to Barnes and Noble. GREAT!!! You may have felt like crying the whole time you were there, BUT AT LEAST YOU WENT. You did not give in, you made it. Little things like that mean a lot when you are trying to keep your head above water.
Fourth, I really think you needs a meds check ASAP if not sooner. Call your PDoc, general practioner, therapist, chiropractor anyone. Just call and get some help.
Fifth, the single most insidious thing about depression is that it tricks you into thinking you are dead inside. It robs you of that hope that comes from a living soul. Well, HF, there is NO WAY you are dead inside. NO WAY NO HOW. Don't listen to what it is saying to you. You are just sad and tired - both very normal things throughout the course of one's life. You will not be that way forever.
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