Posted by rainbowbrite on February 27, 2005, at 10:00:15
In reply to Re: NO therapy success?? » rainbowbrite, posted by shrinking violet on February 26, 2005, at 11:55:52
When I read your post the other day I could relate all to well...unfortunately.>I'm sorry you are having some doubts about therapy. I'm in a similar situation as I don't feel I've gotten anything positive out of my therapy experience so far, and I am seriously beginning to question my T's effectiveness and skills with me. I struggle, though, because I know my T is competent with other clients, and I care for her to death, but I feel like she made some wrong turns and, while she meant well, our therapeutic relationship is no longer workable. I just wonder whether I should actually tell her this, or just limp along for a few more months.
I think you should tell her, if you feel you can. I didn't really have that kind of rtelationship with my t that I could say anything sigh...I question my t's competency with me, I don't know about other pateints though. If I didn't post this to you in your thread I meant to....I really think you should say soemmthing, I am not close like it sounds you are with yours so I may come accross as hypocritical, but it really sounds as though you have something that could be fixed. Although I get the feeling you will have to stop at some point in future for soem reason?
With other people in my life I am good with confronting and tackling problems, but with my T it is either too daunting or I maybe feel it is not worth it.
Try not to give up on your T until you talk to her ...I think it will really bug you later if you don't.>I also think maybe I'm not ready for therapy yet. Perhaps you are in a place where you're not entirely ready, either, which can cause us to unconsciously thwart the therapy process and cause us to feel as if we're spinning our wheels and never getting anywhere.
HAHA (laughing at me) about not being ready, that is VERY possible!! I think Im on another planet emotionally so therapy umm I don't know anymore. I can relaease much much more here, its like I feel free to be me. :S I wonder if others are like this??
But my rationalization on that one is that my T is not experienced enough to deal with a person who can't get in touch with emotions or talk about painful things. See if I was with an experienced T I think they would no what was happening, maybe not?? I can't keep feeling rejected from someone who really doesn't mean that much to me. IMO I dont need therapy that bad (HAHAHAH- just laughing at me again). I could just skip by without but the thing is....I know I need it. Try to stick with your T, I sense it will work out.>Maybe you could talk about this problem itself, with your T? The fact that you don't think you are having much "success" and what she/he thinks and what you can do about it?
well the thruth is in my mind I have terminated, emotionally at least. I just am going to cancel until i have the strength to face the final termination. This really made me feel like a failure, I hate failing. But your suggestion is good an dit makes a lot of sense and maybe I am making excuses to avoid but IMHO I think I gave it my VERY best that I could. :(
Over the last week I have realized that I do possibly have another option, not the greatest but there is soemone I could go see, don't know if it is just for support for recent upheavals in my life or if it could turn into something stronger. I really hope you work it out with T, keep me updated.
>Take care hon. Good luck to you.
Thanks and you too! :-)