Posted by Jost on August 15, 2006, at 22:14:53
In reply to Update on goals accomplished (*SI trigger, mild*) » Jost, posted by llrrrpp on August 15, 2006, at 21:24:14
I've never watched "House," but will try to get a few hours of television in, if possible.
No data collection-- but on the plus side, I don't have any to do at the moment (unless I take on a new project between now and midnight)-- so 100% of my data are in. ( But congrats on the 90% rather than 50%-- that's good. Really good, seriously. I'm glad-- )
Newflash! Re: Coffee.
An article in the ScienceTimes today reported that coffee is now considered a "health drink"!
"Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious ailments, including diabetes, heart disease ,and cirrhosis of the liver.....
...a typical serving of coffee contains more antioxidants than typical servings of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges."
At least for from one to five cups a day (including decaf). While you may have a stomach ache, you're protecting yourself from disease. You can add that to the list of accomplishments, I think. I'm sorry about the stomach ache, though.
I have to admit, I like veggies and fruits-- a lot- I can eat a ton of them at a sitting-- It's kind of scary, actually. I'm not sure about Quark. Is that a sci-fi cereal? -- don't forget the Vitamin S! You can have a double dose tomorrow, though, to make up if you miss today. Don't worry.
Shoulders are my obsession, by the way. Mine are a wreck. I'd kind of like stronger legs--although mine keep me upright, most of the time.
I worked this afternoon, but the person I was working with was in a talkative mood-- and I should have tried hard to keep it to a minimum. I need to remember that I shouldn't respond, but I forget. Also I feel sort of mean if I don't show interest. And feel guilty, and worry that I'm alienating others. But I really kind of hate my laxness and lack of discipline. In lots of ways, it's because of my shoulders, and no sleep, and also a profound ennui (not laziness per se, but leads to non-accomplishment of goals, and then dispossession of goals). Maybe I'll a little more this evening. I hope.
And I have to do a little exercise before it gets too late. Oops, it is too late. Well, I've got to do it right away. Darn. I hate exercise. Gotta go.
You had a good day, though. So what's on your agenda for tomorrow?