Posted by Lou Pilder on October 22, 2012, at 15:38:23
Mr. Hsiung,
My Shoppe was broken down and the electric turned off. People came in and made it uninhabitable. There is no light. Now the pumps don't work 'cause the vandles took the handles.
I am asking you to send a crew to my Shoppe and rebuild it, for your policy is that the innitiator of the thread could establish what goes on there. There were people there that were not there for learning but you can see what they did. Do you know what constitutes {malicious destruction of property}? If so, is this an example or not to you? I would like those that come to my Shoppe to be able to relax and be free from those that carry 'round a fire hose. I don't go on facebook and stay away from those that carry 'round a sky-hook. If you have a clean nose and are not using benzos, then you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Lou PIlder
poster:Lou Pilder