Posted by pedr on February 1, 2019, at 21:48:27
In reply to Re: Antipsychotic-Induced Anhedonia: Rare?, posted by ed nieg on January 31, 2019, at 12:36:04
>> Tripping with a guide isn't all that important; I went on a solo hiking "trips" and although there were definitely bad parts it was overall a rejuvenating experience. Personally, I wouldn't like to have some stranger tainting my trip with hocus-pocus sh*t but that's just me I guess, and I also tend to be pretty solitary anyways.
Well that's certainly contrary to the guides I've read but I'm like you - I don't believe in energy and auras and all that horsecrap. I'm a scientist FFS. I'm also a solitary person but that's mostly down to the depression.
Given your language it seems that the trip(s) did not help you sufficiently. Was that the case? Did they help at all? (Please say "yes", that's all I have left to try (semi-joke) ).
>> Also, you might want to add the med Ezogabine to your to-try list, seems very promising for anhedonic-spectrum mental illnesses. It's only available in clinical trials though which sucks.
So that basically rules it out then. I will add it to my ever-shrinking list. If it passes trials and I'm alive at that point, I'll give it a whirl.
>> I do have bona fide ADD wuth anhedonia (whole mesocorticolimbic system is shot),
I strongly believe I have genuine ADD too. Just like I had severe - and I mean *severe* - TR OCD for 7 years whilst seeing MI professionals and none of them DX'd it. The useless twats. I was doing 8 hours of "ABC"'s (Action, Belief, Consequence) a day FFS. Sigh.
>> but I've always been blocked by the great gloved hand of institutional morality that presumes everyone to be a salivating crack addict the instant they ask for stimulants.
I face that every time I have to switch PDoc. "Stims are bad". "Stims are short term only". "Stims are addictive". Even better is that the only thing that helps my chronic pain is oxycodone. So you can imagine how that goes down in the current "Opioid Crisis" environment: precisely like a cup of cold sick.
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I love the smell of Abilify in the morning. The smell, you know that chemical smell. Smells like victory. Some day this war's gonna end...
Atypical Depression, OCD, IBS-C, GERD since '96