Posted by kirkglen on March 20, 2014, at 12:35:41
In reply to Nardil/phenelzine at 45mg (Lotsa Questions, Sorry), posted by dbbs on February 19, 2014, at 12:43:09
First, you are taking the best AD on the market. In the past Parke Davis recommended going to 90 mg at a rapid pace. Once the AD effects kicked in, start reducing the dose until you reach a maint. level. Some patients responded to 15 mg. every other day. As to the safety of a MAOI I feel it was totally overblown back when it was first introduced. My understanding is many med schools still teach to avoid them.
I took Nardil for 30 years at 60mg every morning. I had been through every other treatment known at that time. It took the Nardil @ 6 weeks to start working. When it did "oh my God" this is how everyone else feels everyday. I was very fortunate as I raised and educated my children before Nardil decreased it's effect.
Unfortunately even pharms need to profit. 2003 Parke Davis was bought out and the additives were changed . Nardil was developed to be absorbed within the small intestine which has a more alkaline PH. That design is still there but the pill isn't being supplied correctly.
If possible try to get your Pdoc to mandate your med is supplied in a sealed bottle with 60 pills.
This manufacturer Greenstone supplies it in that manner with a dessicant inserted. Without that dessicant H2O will attack the coating reducing the likelihood of the Nardil making it to the small intestine.
Today I still take Nardil but do not get near the bang. I supplement with 1mg Klonopin.
By the way don't worry about the mania.....I think it's just going from feeling so poor to having that "oh my God" switch turned on.