Posted by Deneb on July 23, 2010, at 3:32:38
OK, I read about other people's experiences with AP and tons of people say it is the worse med, it turns them into a zombie etc.
So I take 0.75 mg every night and I've taken up to 1.5 mg without feeling like a zombie.
I've never felt like a zombie before from any of the meds pdoc gave me. I get sleepy after about an hour, but I wouldn't say I'm a zombie.
The med that really sedated me to the point of not being able to open my eyes was actually a benzo I received while in the psych ward about 5 years ago. It was Ativan. I couldn't take the full dose without passing out. I don't know if it was because I had not slept in 3 days from stress or what.
I guess my emotions are a little less intense now (maybe), but it certainly does not keep me from being excited about things. Bad emotions are less frequent. I still get really really excited about things even on Risperdal. It doesn't dull my life at all.
Any theories as to why I don't turn into a zombie?
Do you think more would turn me into a zombie? Or maybe another med would?
Hehe, I just love using the word zombie in a sentence. ROFL
What are your experiences? Have you ever felt like a zombie and on what meds?