Posted by bleauberry on October 10, 2009, at 18:36:13
In reply to something happens during sleep, posted by linkadge on October 9, 2009, at 21:30:31
Yeah Link, I am all too familiar with this phenomenon you described and I bet a lot of others are too.
Possible explanations that I have heard:
1. Cortisol...doing the wrong things at the wrong times. An Adrenal Stress Index test by Diagnostechs would show what is happening there. Treatment then involves experimentation with things like Licorice, Adrernal Cortex Extract, Phosphatydlserine, Tyrosine, Siberian Ginseng, Cordyceps, or Hydrocortisone (some of these things support, some suppress, some modulate). Hydrocortisone partially worked, Milnacipran partially worked, but miniscule amounts of Parnate did very well.
2. An unsuspected infectious agent. They follow daily schedules in their patterns. And the immune system responds accordingly. If this kind of tug-of-war is going on, it messes with everything...immune, hormones, neurotransmitters, inflammation, circulation, brain, all that stuff is caught up in a repetitive self-perpetuating cycle that is accurate as clockwork and somehow tied into the late stage of sleep.
You know how most people who take Tyrosine take it during the day? I have heard some people take it at bedtime to correct that morning badness.
There's no telling what's going on. With pretty much everyone at pbabble, I think it is safe to say there is a lot more going on under their skin than they are aware of, and the outward depression is probably just a hint of it. The morning badness stuff is another hint.
In the zillion different things I've tried...supplements, herbs, meds...probably the best thing that ever removed that lousy feeling during a very narrow window the morning was a miniscule amount of Parnate taken once every two days. How or why it worked on that particular symtpom I have no clue.