Posted by your#1fan on March 25, 2008, at 22:48:03
In reply to And for my next two questions... » your#1fan, posted by Racer on March 22, 2008, at 9:18:54
Racer:**********You're welcome for responding -- in this case, I had to refute the part where you confounded autism and retardation...
And for the first of my two questions:
How do you know?
How do you know that *this* is the correct diagnosis? Could this be part of the problem, with other issues still unexplored? Is it possible that you're focusing on this diagnosis because it's new, and it offers you a sort of Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card for social awkwardness? I don't deny that it might indeed be correct -- but is it *the* correct diagnosis, or part of a more complex picture, which might include other issues which are harder for you to accept?********
Your#1fan: I accept this because it obvisouly fits me pretty well, my whole life has been a social tizzy! i never got along with people, always thinking im b*d*ss it just never worked with myself. I never did. Im getting ready to see a therpist tommorow. Its about 11:30 right now, im making someway on responding to posters.
But yes i accept this as real because it has applied to my every day life, with other condiitions such as
1)mood swings
3)anxiety attacks
4)depersonalization caused from anxiety.Racer:************ What you're describing as other people in your head isn't pathological, either. They're not "other personalities," in the sense of Dissociative Identity Disorder. They're the sort of inner voices we all have -- I joke all the time about my own internal dialogs, about "nurturing my inner spoiled brat," etc. In fact, when I'm distressed over something, I do have internal dialogs -- usually it's the upset voice talking to the voice I use when I write to you. That's a technique for self-soothing, if you can channel it -- your own internal voice helping to calm you, to offer yourself the emotional support you need. We all do it, and it's perfectly normal.
Sometimes it does seem as though having another personality to hand the reins over to would be nice, doesn't it? That's not what you're describing.*******************
Your#1fan: im a scared person inside, i have one person that i showed you that was a girl that just was ZONED she, was like, tramatized! thats really me inside i have to cover it up with many masks, voices to help me out (a voice which is dominant that helps me out through out the day, but does not come out as another personality at all)
These are very, your right, it is diagloge with another personality. Really but i can C-O-N-T-R-O-L it, if it gets out of hand just cut it out. They have names, no doubt. Usally its night when they surface, but they never come out in reality unless something HORRIBLE happened. Which actaully something did horribly happen like usall, and i had to live somewhere else. Its all really my head trying to place another person inside my head through itself.
Also it is known as the "Wendy" Syndrome. Co-dependency, see where all that is linking up. Some one in my family told me its just "iminary friends", i said "yup", but what they dont know is that my mind has to have some support somewhere...even if its in my head.
Racer:************Did they explain that Asperger's is a very, very mild deficit in functioning? It's on the autistic spectrum, but so close to "normal" that many, many of those diagnosed with it are considered remitted by the time they hit adulthood? That there are those who suspect that it's not so much an autistic disorder, as a certain awkwardness found in many very bright children? (Ever noticed how many gifted students move awkwardly?) Did they talk to you about what sorts of deficits you, specifically, experience? ***********
Your#fan: I always was diffrent, soon as i came out of my mom, i think i was diffrent than all others. And you know thats a real sad fact to me, im "diffrent".
And also when im suppost to be with all the crowd right now, thats why i never socailly caught on, but people always seemed to notice that i was a bit off track, since i never had many friends or a girlfriend (well i dont want to talk about that). My motor skills are horrible, but you what i did, i improved myself like Data on Startrek. I improved every social aspect about myself, but it didnt do much, because i still feel "comforted" feeling diffrent now.I obsess about things, like getting this "term" post done,...... and caring about other people. I obsess about people not liking me, i obsess about too much thats why my mind isnt right.
Im going to see a doctor tommrowow. But i do obsess with talking withothers here and getting things done.
thank for your imput racer