Posted by zeugma on October 26, 2006, at 13:17:17
In reply to Re: Ca2+ » zeugma, posted by SLS on October 26, 2006, at 8:34:46
it makes perfect sense that you would not want to repeat the experiment. Calcium is an intensely aversive stimulus for you.
As to underlying pathology, I don't know. Sigma-1 agonists are theorized by some to be antidepressant, and it appears that they slow K+ efflux and speed Ca2+ efflux from cells. Have you ever noticed an effect on your mood from any other mineral (potassium especially?).Looking on notes I took last summer, it seems AMPA receptor stimulation phosphorylates Na+ and K+ channels, and NMDA stimulation phosporylayes K+ and Ca2+ channels. That's why the Polish pharmacologists (who are the main source of interest in the "NMDA hypothesis" of depression) recommend amantadine and similar drugs for augmentation.
since my computer has lost its ability to cut and [paste, i will summarize a fragment. They hypothesize that amantadine and sigma ligands synerdize with AD's chiefly via D2/D3 receptors and alpha-1 adrenoceptors. D2 signalling is thought to be responsible for attentional flexibility, as well as being anti-anhedonic/motivational. What is your cognitive phenotype? (I've been reading these articles too long.) Excessive D2 is thought to create 'flexible but unstable' representations, while excessive D1 creates an inability to process novel information due to the excessive stabilty of the cognitive representations. D1 receptors physically interact (not just colocaloze) with NMDA receptors; it seems the D1 receptors randomly drift in the cellular space until 'trapped' by NMDA receptors. This probably explains why D1 receptors couple to so many second messenger systems.
in any case, if you google 'amantadine' and 'antidepressants', you will come with a lot of this stuff :-)
But I am just trying to think of what the pattern is to your AD (or dysphoric) responses. I have a close friend who had a severely dysphoric reaction to Wellbutrin, and some researchers at Lilly found that adding bupropion to clozapine potentiated NMDA function in the PFC. Do you have OCD-like symptoms, or is it closer to the cognitive chaos of ADHD?
Sorry of these questions are too personal; feel free not to answer them. You can clearly see the perseveration in my own thought process :-)