Posted by BekkaH on July 29, 2003, at 0:35:07
In reply to cognitive decline impeding life, posted by Mila S on July 28, 2003, at 23:44:39
Hi Mila,
How does Strattera affect your speaking ability? Your writing certainly doesn't seem to be impaired. Your post is well thought-out, coherent and expressive.
I found that nearly all antidepressants impaired my speech to some extent. Some caused "speech blocking." I knew what I wanted to say, and I would try to utter the words, but parts of words or sentences would be blocked. I am interested to know how Strattera affects your speech. What dose are you on now? Have you ever gone through a medication-free period of weeks or months? If so, how was your speech during that time? Have you ever taken amphetamines and, if so, how was your speech then? In clinical studies, some patients with stroke-induced speech impairment have shown improvement while on low dose amphetamine. I'm not suggesting that you take amphetamines, but it would be useful to know what you are like when you are not on any medicine and whether there is some medicine that actually reverses some of the difficulties you describe. Have you discussed this problem with your psychiatrist? If so, what does he or she say?
I am sure there are many of us here who can relate to the problems you describe, but I want to reiterate that the "cognitive decline" you believe you have is not evident in your post. I wonder whether your depression is lowering your self-esteem to such a degree that you are unable to accurately assess your abilities?