Posted by Naeemah Small on May 18, 2000, at 10:50:51
In reply to Re: How to deal with it, posted by Greg on May 18, 2000, at 9:17:47
Thank you for your reply.
I will consider it.> Naeemah,
> Welcome to Psycho Babble and thank you for sharing what's going on with you. I know what you're going thru can't be easy for you and you obviously are a caring and loving mate who wants to do what you can to help. Our loved ones suffer along with us and we need to remember that.
> I thought about whether I wanted to reply to your post for awhile and decided to because I thought it might help for you to hear input from a depressed person's point of view.
> I have generalized depression, anxiety and mild panic disorder. I really only know what I've read about cyclothymia. But I have gone thru times where I've pushed everyone I love away from me when in the throws of deep depression. There is a saying that goes "Misery loves company", from what I've read here and my own personal experience, that is rarely true with people who suffer from depression. I've had times where my only thoughts were wishing I was dead so I didn't have to deal with my problems anymore, and I certainly didn't want my wife standing there telling me that things were going to get better, so I pushed her away. Did I hurt her? Yes. Did it matter to me? No. I was too consumed with how I felt. But it NEVER meant that I didn't love her. In time, with therapy and medical treatment I've gotten better and now know that I need to share how I feel with her (although I still keep my feelings from her sometimes and probably always will). But this process takes time and you have to be patient.
> I don't pretend to know what your SO (significant other) is going thru, we all deal with our problems differently. This is just my experience, so please take it for what it's worth.
> All you can do is be there when the time comes that he needs you. But in the mean time remember to take care of yourself!
> I hope in some way this helps you.
> I wish you all the best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
> Greg
> > My name is Naeemah Small from Mesa Arizona. I met a guy from Southern Cali. We met will we were 21 years old. Now, I am 24 years and he is too. I started seeing mood changes last year. I told him that he needs to see a doctor or he would not be able to talk to me anymore, so he saw a doctor. After a while, he was digaons with cyclothymia. I still love him. But, he has push me away. He told me that he loves me, but still has push me away. Has anyone gone threw this?
poster:Naeemah Small