Posted by Janice on April 10, 2000, at 20:56:45
Hello everyone,
I've been posting here at psychobabble since last summer, and I have to say, I have learnt more here in the 9 months I've been here than I did for the 6 years I've been seeing psychiatrists. [This says more about being proactive than anything about psychiatrists.]
Since I am a rapid cycler, I feel I have no choice but to get better without ADs. And I'd like to share with everyone what my plans are...many of these things I learnt here at psychobabble.
•keep my sleep regular--and get up 1-2 hours early on the depressed part of my cycle
•get my thyroid tested (above thread)
•use lights and a dawn simulator
•start & follow (if it works) a hyperglycemic diet, which eliminates all sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, & white flour.
•Run everyday for 25 minutes (I know depressed people right now probably want to bonk me over the head), but I am hyper and love running (when I can get out and remain out of bed--which is now)
As I said previously, I have learnt so much at psychobabble and would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the improvement I have made this far in my life. I want to share these things with you in hopes of giving someelse an idea for themselves, and, of course, I am also sharing this with you so anyone who has any experience with any of these methods of getting better could share their experiences with me.
Thanks, Janice