Posted by NikkiT2 on August 4, 2003, at 10:38:38
but boy, its sucks!!!
I spent yesterday with a friend in a huge park in Central London watching man-powered flying machines throw themselves off a ramp intot eh river!!! It was quite good fun, but with 100,000 people there it was way to busy, and I hate crowds!! So I only lasted 2 hours there, before discovering my road home was totally gridlocked, so I had to walk the 5 miles home, in 33C weather.. by the time I got home I had sweated all the sunblock off my face and was burnt to a crisp (only on my face though, my arms are fine!!!) and feeling decidely strange. I put it down to not having eaten all day, but dinner didn't help, so I went off to bed nice and early. After a nasty night of wierd freaky dreams and waking and tossing and turning I feel even worse today! My mood has plummeted terribly low, and I ache all over.
And its only gonna get hotter... Today is 35C, and Wednesday is forecast at 38C - its supposedly going to be the hottest day in UK since records began.. (about 140 years ago or something) I *HATE* the heat, and this is killing me.. we're just not set up for it here.. air con is rare in shops, let alone homes.. and we live in the middle flat so we get heat from below and protected from it excaping by above..
Went ou on a hunt for a fan this morning, and our whole area is sold out of them!!! But managed to find one place that can get me one in for tomorrow.. thank heavens!!Oh, and my psoriosis has decided to flare up after 5 years, so am itchy as hell and nothing is helping it. The red swollen patches look so attractive!!!
Then, to top it off, I got my period today too!! I only have one every 6 months as they're so bad for me (I'm on the Contraceptive pill and only take a break every 6 months) so feel like hell from that too!
OK, so I just needed a whinge!! Sorry, but feel better now its all out!
Nikki xx