Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 246093

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Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 10:42:31

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by Psychquackery on July 29, 2003, at 13:54:52

The cancer thing is hysteria.

That is kinda a broad statement. All reproductive
cancers are related to endrogens, period.
Supplementation and testing to return levels to
normal is safe. Taking pills from the gym is not, as you have no idea what levels you are producing.
Bulking up vs. returning levels to normal have vastly different risks.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by Psychquackery on July 30, 2003, at 13:54:11

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 10:42:31

> The cancer thing is hysteria.
> That is kinda a broad statement. All reproductive
> cancers are related to endrogens, period.
> Supplementation and testing to return levels to
> normal is safe. Taking pills from the gym is not, as you have no idea what levels you are producing.
> Bulking up vs. returning levels to normal have vastly different risks.

StJames...when I said the cancer thing is hysteria I was assuming we were talking about taking T under the strict and monitored supervision of a Medical Doctor. For purposes of getting rid of refractory depression and returning to normal. Under these conditions (medically prescribed and monitored) testosterone is relatively safe and the benefits outweight the risks in many cases.

As far as taking roids illegally, buying them from some gym rat and taking them in levels where they are unsupervised, I totally agree with you. Its dangerous to do it like that and cancer is one of the dangers.

Only a MD can prescribe testosterone safely. This guy has found his "magic bullet" but IMO he should have done it legit style versus the illegal gym rat approach he has taken.



Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 15:29:34

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by Psychquackery on July 30, 2003, at 13:54:11

This guy has found his "magic bullet"

Has he ? Give anyone large doses of some androgens and they feel great. Nothing is
proven by this, in the context of treating
depression, because it is a given that anyone
will feel pumped up on enough androgen.
Large doses of cortisone "cured" depression,
up until people went psychotic.

I don't question there is a link to AD's and lowered testosterone. I am working this on this
issue at present. I question drawing a false conclusion between black market steriods and
a possible treatment for depression. How can one tell, as it is a given they will make anyone feel great ?


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by Psychquackery on July 30, 2003, at 16:42:16

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 15:29:34

> This guy has found his "magic bullet"
> Has he ? Give anyone large doses of some androgens and they feel great. Nothing is
> proven by this, in the context of treating
> depression, because it is a given that anyone
> will feel pumped up on enough androgen.
> Large doses of cortisone "cured" depression,
> up until people went psychotic.

StJames, first a little lesson in the broad subject of steroids. Cortisone is in a specific class of steroids known as corticosteroids. Other corticosteroids include cortisol and prednisone. Prednisone is well known for inducing the nastiest of mood disorders in previously healthy individuals. In sufficient doses prednisone and other corticosteroids can cause psychosis or mania. Corticosteroids are known in the bodybuilding world as "catabolic" or muscle short they tear you down when they fluctuate in excess in the body. Corticosteroids are nasty stuff as a general rule and have bad psychiatric side effects sometimes.

The type of steroid this guy is talking about is in a totally different class of steroids. Known as anabolic steroids. Anabolics include testosterone and others like dianabol, etc. and are known to do the exact opposite of the corticosteroids. While corticosteroids often cause severe mood disorders, anabolic steroids oftentimes create a feeling of "well being" along with increased sex drive.

Anabolic steroids, being in a totally different class of steroids as cortisol or cortisone, are being studied seriously for refractory depression in men.

> I don't question there is a link to AD's and lowered testosterone. I am working this on this
> issue at present. I question drawing a false conclusion between black market steriods and
> a possible treatment for depression. How can one tell, as it is a given they will make anyone feel great ?

I agree, black market steroids are bad news. But the legal anabolics supervised by an MD can be truly lifesaving in some cases of male depression. You shouldnt generalize testosterone with cortisone or prednisone...its apples and oranges.



Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 16:51:37

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by Psychquackery on July 30, 2003, at 16:42:16

> StJames, first a little lesson in the broad subject of steroids.

With all due respect, I was talking about the
use of cortisol steroids in the 40's. I know my steroids, thanks. I understand the difference
between them and was not confusing them.

You seem not to understand my posts, please consider that first.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 16:54:56

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by Psychquackery on July 30, 2003, at 16:42:16

depression. You shouldnt generalize testosterone with cortisone or prednisone...its apples and oranges.
> Igor

Again, you are not getting my posts. My point was, and it was clear, that that which makes you feel better does not mean it is a sucessful treatment nor is it really treating the cause.

Please read my posts more carefully, and ask before you assume.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by OWHolmes on July 30, 2003, at 17:31:44

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 16:54:56

> My point was, and it was clear, that that which makes you feel better does not mean it is a sucessful treatment nor is it really treating the cause.

It is a fine point. Give a depressed person ecstasy and they probably would feel good for the couple of hours it would last. When it wore off, they would probably be worse, and continuous 24 hour use would not be good. There is a difference between a euphoria effect and an antidepressant effect. I suspect that the original poster's experience with illegal steroids is in the former category, rather than the latter. In the end, the steroids will probably cause a crash, big time.

As for the comment that steroids not treating the "cause" of depression, if only we knew the cause of depression, imagine the treatments that would be available. . . . .

Justice Holmes


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections » OWHolmes

Posted by john Henry on July 30, 2003, at 20:02:14

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by OWHolmes on July 30, 2003, at 17:31:44

My point was, and it was clear, that that which makes you feel better does not mean it is a sucessful treatment nor is it really treating the cause.

It is a fine point. Give a depressed person ecstasy and they probably would feel good for the couple of hours it would last. When it wore off, they would probably be worse, and continuous 24 hour use would not be good. There is a difference between a euphoria effect and an antidepressant effect. I suspect that the original poster's experience with illegal steroids is in the former category, rather than the latter. In the end, the steroids will probably cause a crash, big time.

>>>>Anabolic/androgenic steroids do not give you a high and then Euphoria.If you are well versed in usage you can prevent a crash by using

1- Clomid,which mimics the effects of GRH(Gonadotropin releasing hormone) Which stimulate the pituitary gland to produce LH(Luteining hormone) and FSH(follicle stimulating hormone) Which stimulates leydigs cells of the testicles to produce Testosterone.The role of clomid is to awaken the pituitary gland that has been suppressed from test usuage.

2-HCG(human chorionic gonadtropin)-when this is taken it tricks your system into thinking theyre getting LH.

The use of these 2 will help kickstart your system to get your testicles back to normal and get your endogenous(natural) Testosterone back to normal.You also wean yourself off by lowering dosages each week to get your body ready.So if you are smart you will never"crash"

>>>It blows my mind they are a schedule 3 drug(schdeule 2 in New York) Benzo's which have a high abuse potential are schedule 4.This is crazy.What is the difference if someone wants to get breast implants or bypass gastric surgery to change their apperance and using AAS to improve their outward apperance? AAS work on the CNS and promote neurotransmitter activity in the brain.The same as all psycho-active medication.It has been proven to be safe in teating depression and is used alot on hiv/aids patients.f they were so deadly why would this be? If you use a moderate dose and monitor yourself I don't see the difference betwen me using Testosterone to someone using Depakote/Remeron/SSRI'S etc.

As for the comment that steroids not treating the "cause" of depression, if only we knew the cause of depression, imagine the treatments that would be available. . . . .

>>>>The cause of depression will never be solved by a pill.Take care

Justice Holmes


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections » stjames

Posted by john Henry on July 30, 2003, at 21:04:23

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 16:54:56

> depression. You shouldnt generalize testosterone with cortisone or prednisone...its apples and oranges.
> >
> > Igor

Again, you are not getting my posts. My point was, and it was clear, that that which makes you feel better does not mean it is a sucessful treatment nor is it really treating the cause.

>>>>Androgenic/anabolic steroids are not recreational drugs.They produce no "high" or"low" unlike benzo's,mood stabilizers,anti-psychotics or ritalin and Dexedrine etc.

>>>>Why can't you understand it is a proven fact
men with low levels of testosterone are more depressed,angry and not-well.By enhancing their tesosterone levels they have feelings of well being,vigor and a new found "youth" and research shows them to be calmer.So wouldn't you say that the feeling better = using testosterone is in part due to treating the cause=low levels of endogenous Testosterone?

>>>>Also how do benzodiazepines treat the cause?
How do SSRI'S help when there is a withdrawl syndrome? So how would this = a successful treatment?

Please read my posts more carefully, and ask before you assume.

>>>>Please learn more about ratios of androgenic/anabolic steroids,provide long term data to support your stance,know about all steroids such as estrogen,cortisol,pregnenolone,dhea and aldosterone and Testosterone which are the only ones to produce anabolism,LH,Fsh,leydig's cells,HPTA,DHT,5 alpha reductase enzyme,Aromatase,GRN,SHBG,Glucocorticoid,estradiol,progesterone,prolactin,how testosterone effects the CNS and neurotransmitters,Did you know Dianabol produces Dopamine? Do you know the the molecule's and esters? How about the 6 known androgen receptor cellular protein co-activators,Growth hormone,igf-1,Do you know how many paths testosterone can take? What about the 17-alpha alkylated steroids(17-aa)? The difference between human and veterinary steroids? Why is Oxandrin,an anabolic steroid given to HIV/AIDS patients? Which ones bind to the AR receptor more than others? Do you know what year they became a schedule 3(schedule 2 in New York) class on the DEA's list? Look at one of my links,which I doubt you have,but look at the study where they,61 males ages 18-35, were given 600 mgs/week of Testosterone for 20 weeks but monitered for 40 weeks.After the study there was no change in PSA(prostate-specific antigen),Liver enzymes or cognitive functioning,the only negative trait was a slight HDL reduction.Wheres all the cancer and heart atacks?

Another group of 30 HIV men were given 600mgs/week of Nandrolone for 16 weeks.No problems occured on all tests.There was actually a rise in LDL.The only negative trait was a slight reduction of HDL.
Wheres the cancer? Wheres the heart attacks?

Also some researchers at Harvard and St.John's estimate that more than 50% of HIV-positive people ned hormone replacement therapy to support overall health? How could this be when you claim "roids" are so dangerous?

So before you assume anything you know about Androgenic/anabolic steroids(which is probably from the media) don't make statements that you cant back up....


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections » stjames

Posted by john Henry on July 30, 2003, at 22:14:37

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 15:29:34

This guy has found his "magic bullet"

Has he ? Give anyone large doses of some androgens and they feel great. Nothing is
proven by this, in the context of treating
depression, because it is a given that anyone
will feel pumped up on enough androgen.
Large doses of cortisone "cured" depression,
up until people went psychotic.

>>>>St.James,you really have no foundation for your statements.Why do you think someone will be pumped up on Androgens? How did you speculate on this? Do you know if I took a shot of Sustanon,it has 4 different esters in it? I wouldnt feel anything for about 3-4 weeks,and there is no pump.I am talking about depression fading,feelings of well-being and a very,very strong sex drive.
>>>>There are an estimated 17 million users of Anabolic/androgenic steroids.If you did real world experiments you would find exactly what I am talking about.This isn't like prednisone and there arent guys walking around saying...Im going to....PUMP YOU UP!!!
I will speak of athletes and body builders that I know of...
1-There is no roid-rage...none.You will get more agitated taking SSRI'S,stimulants or even Wellbutrin.Trust me.
2-They are very goal oriented,they are always striving to be the best they can be.Constantly setting new goals is the basis of life.
3-They are very confident.Since they practice and practice and preform they dimish social phobia.
4-Motivation.They have a reason to live and be in the now.To hone their craft.
5-The ability to deal w/anxiety and stress.In a competitive field stress is guaranteed.They constantly fight negative self-talk,counter it and preform.
6-They develop a winning attitude this in turn leads to greter self esteem.
7-Ability to manage distractions and relax.They use visulization techniques,meditation,bio-feedback,PMR,autogenic training etc.,NLP etc.
8-They never give up.They develop positive attributes like passion,desire,discipline etc.

By now you are probably saying "what the hell is this guy rambling about?"

Well,people who use steroids arent what's portrayed in the media.And all of these qualities a big role in what cures depression and anxiety not just pills.When everyone first hears the word steroid they think-big,bodybuilder filled with rage...thats a joke.Steroids are medications just like any other.Some People need them to feel better and function better.The public and physicians wont touch the topic of steroids.They think its all sports related but its not,it has medicinal purposes.
I'm glad researchers are finally understanding this and hopefully some break throughs might occur.For a lot of men,andropause is a real thing.I'm glad treatment and reasearches are starting to become available.Most recently at UCLA,they found Nandrolone increases serotonin and norepinephrine in rats.

I don't question there is a link to AD's and lowered testosterone. I am working this on this
issue at present. I question drawing a false conclusion between black market steriods and
a possible treatment for depression. How can one tell, as it is a given they will make anyone feel great ?

>>>>>SSRI's kill libido,no question.That's the
main reason I tried Test.
To me libido is Testosterone.You will never cure SSRI's sexual problems with viagra,taking a drug holiday,adding high doses of remeron or wellbutrin or the other many so called anti-dotes.None of them work.I believe in my case(in my own opinion,not scientifical research) there is a link with Zoloft and estrogen or prolactin or some kind of testosterone lowering effect going on.It will only be cured by...
1-Getting off the drug or
2-Adding testosterone

BTW,I had to go to the black market because phyiscians are afraid of even talking about steroids.Its extra hard for me because I do lift weights and have pretty good size/strength.Right away I would be discrimated against with the doctor thinking I want them for athletic enhancement.
And it is known steroids do hit the CNS and Neurotransmitters(serotonin,ne,dopamine) hence the increased mood.How could Anabolics be worse than the SSRI'S,TCA's,NRI's or the other ad's if it preforms on the same mechanisms? It's shows no addiction potential or abuse potential.You can't get"high"like you do on recreational drugs.In New YORK it is a schedule 2 drug on the DEA's list,up there with morphine,opium and amphetamines...This is a huge joke for the justice system.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 23:58:47

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections » stjames, posted by john Henry on July 30, 2003, at 21:04:23

> Also some researchers at Harvard and St.John's estimate that more than 50% of HIV-positive people ned hormone replacement therapy to support overall health? How could this be when you claim "roids" are so dangerous?

Seems you are not getting my posts either.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by don_bristol on July 31, 2003, at 6:50:54

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 15:29:34

> This guy has found his "magic bullet"
> Has he ? Give anyone large doses of some androgens and they feel great. Nothing is
> proven by this, in the context of treating
> depression, because it is a given that anyone
> will feel pumped up on enough androgen.
> Large doses of cortisone "cured" depression,
> up until people went psychotic.
> I don't question there is a link to AD's and lowered testosterone. I am working this on this
> issue at present. I question drawing a false conclusion between black market steriods and
> a possible treatment for depression. How can one tell, as it is a given they will make anyone feel great ?

StJames, you make a valid point here and I think you are saying that it is important not to confuse cause with effect. In other words, some people might say that they are low on testosterone and that it causes a low mood. And you might say it is the other way around.

In people with a normal level of testosterone you are probably right. But in people, like me, with borderline low levels of testosterone then it is worth seeing if restoring levels of testosterone improve mood.

In my case I have what is called hypergonadotrphic hypogonadism and I have had it for very many years. I have also had my low dysthymic mood for very many years. You may be right in that the mood has lowered the testosterone level or maybe it is the other way around.

Whatever it is, if I can break out of the vicious cycle then a normal balance can be restored. I think that is a good thing.


Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections

Posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 11:21:22

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by don_bristol on July 31, 2003, at 6:50:54

> StJames, you make a valid point here and I think you are saying that it is important not to confuse cause with effect. In other words, some people might say that they are low on testosterone and that it causes a low mood. And you might say it is the other way around.

Really I was saying 2 things. What you mentioned
above is one, I do wonder if the lowered testosterone is caused by depression itself, the meds, or both. The other issue is that giving anyone significant amounts of T will make them fell different. This does not prove the T is the issue in depression, unless one can show through testing that the levels of T are not normal. It also takes a doc to decide what is normal and what is not.


androgens cancer

Posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 19:33:18

In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 11:21:22 cancer/handbook/hormones.pdf

Prostate cancer: The growth of prostate cancer is aided by male hor-mones, which as a group are called androgens. Anti-hormone therapy isused to slow the growth of metastatic prostate cancer. Anti-hormonetherapy includes suppressing the release of male hormones using high doses of female hormones (estrogens), hormone-suppressing drugs, andanti-androgens to block androgen receptors. Or the testicles are removedto eliminate the major source of androgens. If prostate cancer is confined to the prostate, surgical removal of the gland or radiotherapy is usuallythe best treatment.


Re: androgens cancer » stjames

Posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:07:55

In reply to androgens cancer, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 19:33:18

This is nothing but speculation backed by no scientifical research/controlled studies.This proves nothing.You can pull millions of texts speculating on prostate cancer,roid rage etc.
Where's all the bodybuilder's(who use tons of androgens) from the 60-70's with prostate cancer?
Where's the landslide reports of bodybuilders of today,who use way more now than the 60-70's guys?
Did you even look at all the links I provided? ACTUAL studies that show no rise in PSA levels at all?
This text proves nothing but theory and you are for sure not a reference librarian.

> cancer/handbook/hormones.pdf
> Prostate cancer: The growth of prostate cancer is aided by male hor-mones, which as a group are called androgens. Anti-hormone therapy isused to slow the growth of metastatic prostate cancer. Anti-hormonetherapy includes suppressing the release of male hormones using high doses of female hormones (estrogens), hormone-suppressing drugs, andanti-androgens to block androgen receptors. Or the testicles are removedto eliminate the major source of androgens. If prostate cancer is confined to the prostate, surgical removal of the gland or radiotherapy is usuallythe best treatment.


Re: androgens cancer » stjames

Posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:14:02

In reply to androgens cancer, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 19:33:18

Here's one
Actually read this.Go down and see the effects on PSA levels....


st.james..update your library

Posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:28:56

In reply to androgens cancer, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 19:33:18

This might shock you


st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate...

Posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:44:27

In reply to androgens cancer, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 19:33:18

One of the biggest studies done on men and benign prostate hypertrophy or BPH show a strong association with BPH and serum ESTRADIOL.It also shows the risk is to men who have LOW LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE.


Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » john Henry

Posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 20:56:27

In reply to st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate..., posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:44:27

Are you manic ?


Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » stjames

Posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 21:26:16

In reply to Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » john Henry, posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 20:56:27

> Are you manic ?

>>>>No I am not manic,and I don't appreciate that comment.It has nothing to do within the realm of this topic.I responded to your post about prostate cancer,is that not my right to respond and back it up with research? I will prove that you know absolutely nothing about current research of testosterone and it's effects and are fooling the person's that read your posts.If you are going to make comments about something....back it up with research and not speculation or the same old tired generalization that the media negatively has put on Anabolic/androgenic steroids.If you are going to speak in a forum with the general public,I am sure they want to hear the facts and not theory.
I bring the facts while you have shown nothing.If one were to research my links,you will learn alot.

EXAMPLE:You posted from a generalized statement,from a website which has no scientifical validation...that Androgens cause prostate cancer.

I responded with actual scientical research of over 300 men and it is proposed that serum estrogen plays a huge role in BPH and the risk of BPH is confined to men with LOW levels of testosterone.

Here's a thought....Give up.Stop posting on this matter that you know nothing about.If you are going to speak on a matter to the public and make a statement,don't confuse them with theories and things you've heard in the media.

Another thought....Calling me manic was obviously sarcasm and is not very polite on a board of this nature.I have made it clear in all my posts I have panic disorder w/dysthemic depression.Just because you are mad at debating this issue,don't sink to the level of sarcasm and assuming I'm manic.


Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate...

Posted by stjames on July 31, 2003, at 23:08:36

In reply to Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » stjames, posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 21:26:16

> EXAMPLE:You posted from a generalized statement,from a website which has no scientifical validation...that Androgens cause prostate cancer.

First of all, don't tell me how to post.
You clearly did not read the link I sent, there is much more there. Don't assume things I did not say. I asked you if you were manic because this is a site where people with mental illness post, and your posts seem manic to me. I was conserned.
I do not see how you could infer so much ill will from "Are you manic". You can disagree with out
cutting me down. You seem unable to do this, unable to discuss with out hate and personal insults. Please be civil, I sence much anger and ill feelings in your posts (often manic signs).


Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostat » john Henry

Posted by Iansf on August 1, 2003, at 14:53:43

In reply to st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate..., posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 20:44:27

> One of the biggest studies done on men and benign prostate hypertrophy or BPH show a strong association with BPH and serum ESTRADIOL.It also shows the risk is to men who have LOW LEVELS OF TESTOSTERONE.

If the tesosterone-cancer link is valid, men with high testosterone levels ought to be more prone to prostate cancer than men with low levels. Yet I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at a relatively young age despite the fact my testosterone level is at the low end of normal. At the same time, friends of mine who are both older and at the high end of normal show no signs of the disease.

This of course does not disprove a correlation between high testosterone level and prostate cancer, but as far as I'm concerned it certainly brings it into question. Shockingly, none of my doctors or doctors I queried online knew of any research on the matter.

That said, there's no question that androgen abatement slows and even stops the spread of prostate cancer once it's been diagnosed. Which doesn't necessarily mean, however, that the absence of testosterone is the primary factor in halting cancer growth. It could be some other factor that goes along with stopping testosterone that does the trick. This also apparently has not been investigated.


Re: please be civil » john Henry

Posted by Dr. Bob on August 1, 2003, at 17:48:46

In reply to Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » stjames, posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 21:26:16

> I will prove that you know absolutely nothing about current research of testosterone and it's effects and are fooling the person's that read your posts...
> I bring the facts while you have shown nothing.
> Give up.Stop posting on this matter that you know nothing about.
> Just because you are mad at debating this issue,don't sink to the level of sarcasm and assuming I'm manic.

Please respect the views of others and be sensitive to their feelings. Please don't jump to conclusions about them or post anything that could lead them to feel accused or put down. Thanks,


PS: Follow-ups regarding posting policies should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration; otherwise, they may be deleted.


Re: please be civil » Dr. Bob

Posted by john Henry on August 1, 2003, at 19:33:22

In reply to Re: please be civil » john Henry, posted by Dr. Bob on August 1, 2003, at 17:48:46

Posted by stjames on July 28, 2003, at 18:11:19
Androgens cause cancer if not taken for real need. If this is new info to you, do some study.
The fact that Androgens cause cancer is well established. I am not a reference librarian.
>>>>Dr.Bob are you going to warn St.james for posting inaccurate information? or can anyone say any generalized statements,and outright lies and post them.

SSRI's cause people to commit suicide.IMagine if someone deciding to take them and came on this board and read that? What impact would it have on their lives??? I guarantee more than if they read the word *ss on a post.


Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » john Henry

Posted by SLS on August 2, 2003, at 8:23:50

In reply to Re: st.james,one of the biggest studies on prostate... » stjames, posted by john Henry on July 31, 2003, at 21:26:16

> SSRI's cause people to commit suicide.IMagine if someone deciding to take them and came on this board and read that? What impact would it have on their lives??? I guarantee more than if they read the word *ss on a post.

SSRIs can cause people to commit suicide. So can just about any antidepressant.

- Scott

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