Posted by john Henry on July 30, 2003, at 22:14:37
In reply to Re: testosterone equals bigger, stronger erections, posted by stjames on July 30, 2003, at 15:29:34
This guy has found his "magic bullet"
Has he ? Give anyone large doses of some androgens and they feel great. Nothing is
proven by this, in the context of treating
depression, because it is a given that anyone
will feel pumped up on enough androgen.
Large doses of cortisone "cured" depression,
up until people went psychotic.>>>>St.James,you really have no foundation for your statements.Why do you think someone will be pumped up on Androgens? How did you speculate on this? Do you know if I took a shot of Sustanon,it has 4 different esters in it? I wouldnt feel anything for about 3-4 weeks,and there is no pump.I am talking about depression fading,feelings of well-being and a very,very strong sex drive.
>>>>There are an estimated 17 million users of Anabolic/androgenic steroids.If you did real world experiments you would find exactly what I am talking about.This isn't like prednisone and there arent guys walking around saying...Im going to....PUMP YOU UP!!!
I will speak of athletes and body builders that I know of...
1-There is no roid-rage...none.You will get more agitated taking SSRI'S,stimulants or even Wellbutrin.Trust me.
2-They are very goal oriented,they are always striving to be the best they can be.Constantly setting new goals is the basis of life.
3-They are very confident.Since they practice and practice and preform they dimish social phobia.
4-Motivation.They have a reason to live and be in the now.To hone their craft.
5-The ability to deal w/anxiety and stress.In a competitive field stress is guaranteed.They constantly fight negative self-talk,counter it and preform.
6-They develop a winning attitude this in turn leads to greter self esteem.
7-Ability to manage distractions and relax.They use visulization techniques,meditation,bio-feedback,PMR,autogenic training etc.,NLP etc.
8-They never give up.They develop positive attributes like passion,desire,discipline etc.By now you are probably saying "what the hell is this guy rambling about?"
Well,people who use steroids arent what's portrayed in the media.And all of these qualities a big role in what cures depression and anxiety not just pills.When everyone first hears the word steroid they think-big,bodybuilder filled with rage...thats a joke.Steroids are medications just like any other.Some People need them to feel better and function better.The public and physicians wont touch the topic of steroids.They think its all sports related but its not,it has medicinal purposes.
I'm glad researchers are finally understanding this and hopefully some break throughs might occur.For a lot of men,andropause is a real thing.I'm glad treatment and reasearches are starting to become available.Most recently at UCLA,they found Nandrolone increases serotonin and norepinephrine in rats.
I don't question there is a link to AD's and lowered testosterone. I am working this on this
issue at present. I question drawing a false conclusion between black market steriods and
a possible treatment for depression. How can one tell, as it is a given they will make anyone feel great ?>>>>>SSRI's kill libido,no question.That's the
main reason I tried Test.
To me libido is Testosterone.You will never cure SSRI's sexual problems with viagra,taking a drug holiday,adding high doses of remeron or wellbutrin or the other many so called anti-dotes.None of them work.I believe in my case(in my own opinion,not scientifical research) there is a link with Zoloft and estrogen or prolactin or some kind of testosterone lowering effect going on.It will only be cured by...
1-Getting off the drug or
2-Adding testosteroneBTW,I had to go to the black market because phyiscians are afraid of even talking about steroids.Its extra hard for me because I do lift weights and have pretty good size/strength.Right away I would be discrimated against with the doctor thinking I want them for athletic enhancement.
And it is known steroids do hit the CNS and Neurotransmitters(serotonin,ne,dopamine) hence the increased mood.How could Anabolics be worse than the SSRI'S,TCA's,NRI's or the other ad's if it preforms on the same mechanisms? It's shows no addiction potential or abuse potential.You can't get"high"like you do on recreational drugs.In New YORK it is a schedule 2 drug on the DEA's list,up there with morphine,opium and amphetamines...This is a huge joke for the justice system.
poster:john Henry