Shown: posts 1 to 10 of 10. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Georgie Geordie on August 6, 2001, at 21:07:05
I dont really know how to put this but i'm the worst benzodiazipine addict I know. I've suffered anxiety from very young age, and do have some Psychic ability.
Of course if you dont have psychic ability you may be cynical but its really just due to ungated sensiromotor regions in the brain, causing our senses to percieve quantum fields that get in the way of everyday survival.
Lots of us feel energies to some extent and obviously some academics do. This study was done at harvard last year.
Download the bottom paper "Schizotypal personality disorder and MRI abnormailities of temporal lobe gray matter", all brain scans were done on those who responded to a "sixth sense" ad in the paper.Ok so its a biologicial process and very often Schizophrenia is part of the picture, which makes the cynicsm worse..... the overstimulation creates the feedback delusions ( i think, i dont want to be too cynical, but I cannot see how thoughts and images remain integrity while being transferred from Neural structure of brain through the atmosphere, but memory is spatial and holographic so I keep an open mind.)
Sorry thats divergant for my reason for posting which my problem with benzodiazipines.. All my life I have been overwhelmed with sensory input, thats why I try to illustrate the Psychic stuff from common Neurology....resulting in hiding from people..and so I have become schizotypical with the resultant atrophy in my CAS regions.My amgdyla is way oversensitive and I can meditate, deep breath and so on for a week, but none of that helps, because I percieve and feel to much human as a young man ten years ago I presented myself to the doctor with anxiety.
He gave me temazepam, and eventually the benefits were mind blowing...from being a penniless trapped scared person I had something that could shield me, and dampen my senses at the primal brain amygdala level. Cognitive therapy only helps when dealing with real human issues not deep primal fields.
Very soon I started education and excelled beyond all other pupils. I could sit in a class and not be freaked by what other people felt, or plain distracted.
Of course addiction set in, and I would not give up my new life, so I forged prescriptions, so I could stay in the game. Never did i abuse the drug. Periodically I would stop for a month and hide out stocked up, and work at home.
Eventually the NHS britiain stopped the drug as its being abused by people more confused than myself. So supplies became impossible to get, and I had to stop at a time when I was doing really well. I ran a youth Roller hockey team, and was able to socialize widely.
The withdrawals crippled me and I had mild strokes and loss of physical health...muscle concentration..panic attacks....bone problems due to physical stress etc.
But rules are rules in Britain so I've struggled..buying them from illicit sources, using then only when dealing with people...but i'm not the type to hide what I do or keep secret stocks so periodically I run out.
When I do...i'm a wreck...i'll try for months, a year well past the withdrawal curve..but I still cannot function....I have'nt told my doctor. because there is no point..rules are solid in britain...I can get them occassionally..but I have to revert to illicit means...
I tried..effexor..buspar..prozac...all those ...but they do not work..
Its Gaba and thats the truth of the rules are supid..i'm a non creative..ill human without occasional benzos...and to have the freedom of being part of the world and to be reduced to a lonely hermit..and to know the drug can help...but the system does not allow it is frustrating to say the least.
If you were me what would you do ? and does anybody know of a gaba drug or any way I can present my case to my doctor in a way he can understand.......
Posted by MM on August 7, 2001, at 0:06:41
In reply to Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 6, 2001, at 21:07:05
I'm almost completely positive Neurontin is a GABA drug, and I think so is depakote. I don't know if they work on GABA the same way tho. Are ALL benzos illegal in Britain? I wonder if you can mail order them from somewhere else?
Posted by Edward on August 7, 2001, at 6:08:14
In reply to Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 6, 2001, at 21:07:05
> If you were me what would you do ? and does anybody know of a gaba drug or any way I can present my case to my doctor in a way he can understand.......
I may be mistaken about this, but don't mood stabilisers (e.g. sodium valproate) work on GABA? Someone who knows will have to verify this.
Posted by kid_A on August 7, 2001, at 15:26:34
In reply to Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 6, 2001, at 21:07:05
I don't doubt your assertions about six sense ability due to some sort of GABA receptor condition... But where is it that you get the idea of quantum fields?Subatomic particles exist as either the particle itself, or the field, the average probability of finding the particle at space x or y at any given point in time...
The paper referenced on the link that you give only includes the word field once, to describe atenuation of the mri, I believe... I dont think that electromagnatism by iteslf would fall under any kind of quantum field theory, though its interactions are... Not baiting, just curious....
Posted by Georgie Geordie on August 8, 2001, at 7:41:32
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense » Georgie Geordie, posted by kid_A on August 7, 2001, at 15:26:34
I'm only using the term Quantum field as blanket to decribe the unmeasured phenomena, i'm more percieving it and not a scientist. What i'm trying to say is that when I percieve an aura radiating from the head energy of an individual charged either by sexual forces or the state of neural anxiety due to being near death (both major and uncontrollable) it would seem that theres some sort of entanglement loosening process happening, and this perhaps the root of the idea of the soul, although i would like to believe that entity lives on, I feel ghosts are scientifically explainable as the body no longer able to hold the human field, and so the environment grabs the action....ghostly apparations being the shape interacting with dust...or whatever....
The paper you read did nothing more (i think) than show if you take a segment of the schizotypical population..then the neurologicial process is identical..all the quantum stuff there referred to the MRI process I thought ?Whats fascinating is that the region most affected by atrophy is that associated with language and social interaction...which sort of makes sense, because if one senses have no motor filter then the result is to be completely overwhelmed less by what people say and do, but what your animal brain is really telling you...
just try telling a lie to a psychic !!Psychics and those affected eventually gravitate out the general rat race, weary to a degree by the lies and deceptions, but which is really just the game most of is play..using our eye ears, and social groups to keep whatevers good or bad and that context. Of course if you know somebody has just cheated on their cant just say need to explain it in normal terms relating to faculties of normal humans...or else you are labelled insane....whatever the process..its the same thing...having to withdraw from the greater picture....and so youre not using you language and social function higher cortext regions...for the obvious atrophy will be the result...
ITs hard to know whether being psychic is a gift or seperates you from your fellow humans en masse and that is a horrible price..I dont want to know when someones dying or have such an upper hand in the sex game that your average female has no chance whatsoever...
these are not superpowers...maybe fun for a while..but eventually the saddest thing possible....I need the drugs...i dont want to have this insight...and its crippling...on so many other levels....noise...light....ideas...they overwhelme and confuse to the point where looking after oneself and basic survival is a struggle in itself.
> I don't doubt your assertions about six sense ability due to some sort of GABA receptor condition... But where is it that you get the idea of quantum fields?
> Subatomic particles exist as either the particle itself, or the field, the average probability of finding the particle at space x or y at any given point in time...
> The paper referenced on the link that you give only includes the word field once, to describe atenuation of the mri, I believe... I dont think that electromagnatism by iteslf would fall under any kind of quantum field theory, though its interactions are... Not baiting, just curious....
Posted by Simcha on August 8, 2001, at 8:35:00
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 8, 2001, at 7:41:32
OK, I'm going out on a limb here... Sometimes I do get a little woo-woo in my spirituality. ;-)
Have you ever tried to meditate to help with you visions? I've found that meditation can help me feel more in control or at least more calm. I try to imagine a loving pink light around me. Then I imagine the White Light of God surrounding me and protecting me. I try saying that I am a Child of the Light and God is my Protector I have nothing to fear.
Sometimes this helps. Also they do have psychic healers. I have been to a few in Chicago. Whether this is real or not is up to speculation. What these psychic healers claim to do is to balance the chakras and the aura. All I know is that I felt more calm and balanced after several sittings... Not sure if it is merely suggestion or if any of it is real. Hey at $5 a crack it was entertaining at the worst. You can't even go to a movie for $5 these days in Chicago.
I also wear a labradorite bracelet. Supposedly labradorite can balance the aura properly and it helps a psychic to use the power for good only. I do have to say that I use crystals for self-healing. I'm don't think that this is very scientific. Mainly the rocks are pretty and I guess they symbolize a willingness on my part to become well. I meditate with my crystals regularly.
I know I was a bit hostile toward another babbler about homeopathic cures. The difference here is that I'm not trying to sell you anything. All I'm telling you about is my personal experience. I suggest that you take what I have to say with a big grain of salt. Spiritual paths need to resonate with the individual. I suggest you find what works for you.
If being psychic is something that is not a symptom of mental illness then I believe that it is my responsibility to channel this ability in positive ways. In that respect I use spiritual methods to clear my mind of garbage and I mainly use the "power" for self-healing.
> >
> I'm only using the term Quantum field as blanket to decribe the unmeasured phenomena, i'm more percieving it and not a scientist. What i'm trying to say is that when I percieve an aura radiating from the head energy of an individual charged either by sexual forces or the state of neural anxiety due to being near death (both major and uncontrollable) it would seem that theres some sort of entanglement loosening process happening, and this perhaps the root of the idea of the soul, although i would like to believe that entity lives on, I feel ghosts are scientifically explainable as the body no longer able to hold the human field, and so the environment grabs the action....ghostly apparations being the shape interacting with dust...or whatever....
> The paper you read did nothing more (i think) than show if you take a segment of the schizotypical population..then the neurologicial process is identical..all the quantum stuff there referred to the MRI process I thought ?
> Whats fascinating is that the region most affected by atrophy is that associated with language and social interaction...which sort of makes sense, because if one senses have no motor filter then the result is to be completely overwhelmed less by what people say and do, but what your animal brain is really telling you...
> just try telling a lie to a psychic !!
> Psychics and those affected eventually gravitate out the general rat race, weary to a degree by the lies and deceptions, but which is really just the game most of is play..using our eye ears, and social groups to keep whatevers good or bad and that context. Of course if you know somebody has just cheated on their cant just say need to explain it in normal terms relating to faculties of normal humans...or else you are labelled insane....whatever the process..its the same thing...having to withdraw from the greater picture....and so youre not using you language and social function higher cortext regions...for the obvious atrophy will be the result...
> ITs hard to know whether being psychic is a gift or seperates you from your fellow humans en masse and that is a horrible price..
> I dont want to know when someones dying or have such an upper hand in the sex game that your average female has no chance whatsoever...
> these are not superpowers...maybe fun for a while..but eventually the saddest thing possible....I need the drugs...i dont want to have this insight...and its crippling...on so many other levels....noise...light....ideas...they overwhelme and confuse to the point where looking after oneself and basic survival is a struggle in itself.
> > I don't doubt your assertions about six sense ability due to some sort of GABA receptor condition... But where is it that you get the idea of quantum fields?
> >
> > Subatomic particles exist as either the particle itself, or the field, the average probability of finding the particle at space x or y at any given point in time...
> >
> > The paper referenced on the link that you give only includes the word field once, to describe atenuation of the mri, I believe... I dont think that electromagnatism by iteslf would fall under any kind of quantum field theory, though its interactions are... Not baiting, just curious....
Posted by kid_A on August 8, 2001, at 9:11:15
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 8, 2001, at 7:41:32
>The paper you read did nothing more (i think) than show if you take a segment of the chizotypical population..then the neurologicial process is identical..all the quantum stuff there referred to the MRI process I thought ?That is what I got from the paper, which makes sense to me, in that people with similar mental states would have similar mri paterns... I believe in a sixth sense, out of sheer faith because i have exhibited this trait slightly many times throughout my life, so to me it is still a leap of faith, and not something i would say is generally accepted to be true in the scientific comunity....
You have to be careful when saying things like quantum anything, because there are very big differences between field theory and the thrust of the paper that was referenced, self-help guru Deepak Chopra made the mistake of talking about 'quantum healing', a conclusion he lept to by misunderstanding some writings by nobel laureate Maurry Gell Mann, who discovered the quark, what is believed to be the smallest pointlike subatomic particle...
I'm no scientst myself, but I have read quite a bit on particle theory, and have at least a popular understanding of many of the major points of this field of science...
as for sixth sense, while i visted her in atlanta, i told my sister last week that i was sure my house was on fire, when i got back home, a note was left on my door from my neighboor who told me she thought there was a fire in my house and called the fire department who broke down my door... coincidence? perhaps, but it still is a little bit eerie...
Posted by Georgie Geordie on August 9, 2001, at 2:49:54
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense » Georgie Geordie, posted by Simcha on August 8, 2001, at 8:35:00
> Have you ever tried to meditate to help with you visions? I've found that meditation can help me feel more in control or at least more calm> yes meditation is great..but its of no use when the senses are bombarded by whats in the gives enough calm to focus like a soldier on a mission...but the drugs they let me senses are bludgeoned to the same level as everyone i'm not having to resolve several levels of perceptive reality to everybodys single one..
I've been able to heal broken ligaments and nerves by passing my hand over my own injured area...when I did sports...the energy points and channels are real....but whos going to profit from that ? It seems medicine is in the hands of drug companies..and so anything not provable by double blind study is irellavent by default...
I think in twenty years our descendants will look upon this age as the strange time when people followed science like idiots.
ooh i went of on a tangent there...
Crystals as you know are ideal structures for containing energy...I might try getting some..see what happens..
Posted by Georgie Geordie on August 9, 2001, at 11:41:28
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by kid_A on August 8, 2001, at 9:11:15
Hey you misunderstand me...all that paper did was prove the process mind.....but I dont know much about small level actions and potentials..only that the same types of forces in all the disciplines tend to lend their qualities at some level....but since you're here..any theories as to whats going on ?
Does entanglement allow say an image which is stored as a spatial firing pattern distributed in the cortex to spin out a partnered version through a medium as disruptive as someone else with ungated sensiromotor regions ?
if its going on all the time..flying around us..then its inevatible some impression would hit the right spot in another cortex to allowing perhaps to see someone elses stuff..
personally i prefer fried egg and chips !!
Posted by kid_A on August 10, 2001, at 16:24:55
In reply to Re: Benzodiazipines and sixth sense, posted by Georgie Geordie on August 9, 2001, at 11:41:28
> Hey you misunderstand me...all that paper did was prove the process mind.....
I guess I still don't see that in the paper; by the process I assume you are refering to a form of sixth sense ability? I think in any schizo-affinitive types there could be any abnormal brain activity, so the specrtum is broad as concerns that...
> Does entanglement allow say an image which is stored as a spatial firing pattern distributed in the cortex to spin out a partnered version through a medium as disruptive as someone else with ungated sensiromotor regions ?
In quantum physics let say that a particle is a switch, the states of the switch are on for not-decayed, and off, for having decayed. now the switch is either off or it is on, but due to quantum mechanics, sometimes the switch can be -both- off and on simultaneously... when there is a link, between two particles, when one switch is on, the other is also on, and when one switch is both on and off, the other is both on and off as well... this is called entaglement...
Usually partners in quantum physics are reserved for virtual particles, I believe one partner w/ postive energy and one w/ negative energy, and these particles generally collide randomly and produce other particles...
Photons, the particles of light, are massless, so they don't decay... in effect photons don't experience time, no time, no decay...
I'm still probably misunderstanding the thrust of the argument entirely, but what I'm saying of quantum mechanics is at least a fairly rough popular science summary...
This is the end of the thread.
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