Psycho-Babble Social Thread 244989

Shown: posts 26 to 50 of 56. Go back in thread:


Re: I'm Sorry

Posted by noa on July 26, 2003, at 22:27:38

In reply to Re: I'm Sorry » CherC68, posted by Dinah on July 26, 2003, at 21:46:30


It may seem rigid how these boards are divided up. Someone mentioning religion here isn't going to get them redirected. But if a discussion ensues that is mainly about religion, yes, it will be redirected. That is because of the history of what has happened with religious discussions--they tend to get very heated very fast. So, a new board focusing on religion/faith seemed to help. Although there are still issues that arise sometimes with the faith board, because it seems easy to slip into saying things that make other people feel put down for their beliefs, etc.

The reason for the separation of the boards has to do with the high volume of posts. It can be very confusing to sort through posts if you are someone looking for medication info and there are a lot of posts that are more social in nature, and vice versa.

Medication does sometimes get talked about here but if it is really about the meds per se, it will get redirected.

I hope the confusion won't scare the "effexor club" off from being part of the PBSocial community!


Everyone please read

Posted by NThompson on July 27, 2003, at 13:15:03

In reply to Re: Effexor Club Hello! Welcome, posted by noa on July 26, 2003, at 9:29:21

Good Morning Everyone,

I just wanted to share my views and opinions on the subject...

I actually don't care which psycho babble we need to go to because the truth is I am glad you are all here! At a time in which I was in an extremely dark place, somehow I found you all. I am grateful for that. You were the light I needed to see to find my way out.

All of you have given me support and advice at times that I needed it. And you all allowed me to have a voice and IDENTITY again.

I know most of you girls(Effexor Club) don't know Dinah, but while I was searching Psycho Babbles I have posted with Dinah a few times and she has been nothing but encouraging. I did see her post to Dr. Bob, and yes to us it was a bit confusing, and I took it as that maybe she was suggesting that he did a good job trying to start the transaction of moving us to social.

I do want to be able to talk about anything that is effecting me. That is part of the reason that I came to this website. To understant my depression and medications that is all foreign to me. Ironic huh, I have been depressed for years and I know nothing about it! And if I have any problems or stress in my life, that effects my depression which in turns turns into my meds issuse because....IS IT WORKING?! So I know that we want to talk about day to day things. And I encourage it. I have many friends and family...however, not one of them understands what I'm going through. So I don't have anyone to talk to. I feel as though I have great "old" (not referring to anyone's age) friends.

I want to keep talking to you all. And for those who are new to the site and have been reading these posts, it is probably blowing your mind. However, keep posting, these sites are wonderful. The support you get here is great. This was in part a misunderstanding and so far everyone on this site is someone in which I would want as a friend.

Keep up the support,


What is the Effexor Club?? » NThompson

Posted by gabbix2 on July 27, 2003, at 14:03:44

In reply to Everyone please read, posted by NThompson on July 27, 2003, at 13:15:03

Man am I tuned out..


Re: What is the Effexor Club?? » gabbix2

Posted by CherC68 on July 27, 2003, at 15:56:38

In reply to What is the Effexor Club?? » NThompson, posted by gabbix2 on July 27, 2003, at 14:03:44

Sorry Gabbix2 - The Effexor Club was a name one of the posters came up with because we had been posting in Psycho Babble (the medicine part of babble) under the Effexor section for a while now. It was a group of people and we had gotten to know each other through postings.

Since some of us are not on Effexor anymore and since we got to know each other and give so much support to each other - we started talking more about our personal lives instead of talking about the medicines we were on.

Dr. Bob had redirected our posts to Social Babble and many of us could not find our posts - and some had posts that could not be responded to because we couldn't find it.

When this happened it turned many of our worlds upside down - we were used to posting in a certain section, had posts out with no response and it seemed like our bond had been broken.

Don't get me wrong, any newcomers to posting in the original Effexor section was more than welcome and we did our best to help answer questions and include them at all times. This was not a sorority or an exclusive club.

Believe me, I bet you that there is not one person who posts on Babble that really want to be here. We would rather be fine, no meds, no depression, no anxiety, no crisis, no mental crap, but, we have all those and we loved coming to Babble every single day and hear from each other.

The move to social babble was too much for most of us to take. The redirect in many of our eyes felt like rejection.

Our heels are cooling a bit now, and we are gathering our thoughts and don't want to loose the bond we had. Also, a few girls stated that they feel bad that there are others in the original Babble that are not going to benefit from our help.

It's not exclusive, its just that it may take us time to adjust to coming to "Social" babble.

I've been looking through social babble and notice several postings by the same people and that's exactly what we had - but in Psycho Babble - not Social Babble.

I hope this clarifies it a bit for you - and want you to know that it wasn't really an Effexor Club, I'm not on Effexor any longer, but it was just a bond of posters helping each other by listening, caring and offering suggestions whether it be about the medicine, about therapy or lack thereof and of personal crisis.

Take Care,


Thank you » CherC68

Posted by gabbix2 on July 27, 2003, at 16:08:58

In reply to Re: What is the Effexor Club?? » gabbix2, posted by CherC68 on July 27, 2003, at 15:56:38

I was on Effexor.

And if the pills had feelings I would stab one with a pin just to hear it scream.

It wasn't a good match ; 0

Thanks for clearing that up I was lost.



Re: What is the Effexor Club?? » gabbix2

Posted by NThompson on July 28, 2003, at 11:22:35

In reply to What is the Effexor Club?? » NThompson, posted by gabbix2 on July 27, 2003, at 14:03:44


Hi there. I think Cher pretty much summed it up. We have all formed a bond of friendship with each other not just support. And when Dr. Bob told up that we had to go somewhere else...Well it felt like a slap in the face. I don't agree with Dr. Bob and I am pretty upset with him. But I don't want my being upset with him discourage others from receiving the support they need from these sites. I found it and it has helped me 100%. To let me know that I'm not alone.

We all (I) felt as if Dr. Bob was telling us that we can post what side effects we had, but can't receive the support we needed to get through them. Anyway, the "effexor club" is a loosely used term because, there really isn't a club, just some friends, and we all can use more friends.

I hope your support and help are welcomed warmly.


Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » CherC68

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:28:33

In reply to Re: huh » CherC68, posted by CherC68 on July 25, 2003, at 21:35:35

Honestly, Effexor-ites, I've been wondering how long it would be before DrBob would redirect us. I always tried to insert SOMETHING about a med but face it, we were becoming more Emotional Support for each other instead of sharing our experience with AD's. I think we can be friends here also, and also lurk in the other to find new recruits for our Club. We aren't an exclusive club, but I think we all bonded.
Missed you guys. I've been offline since 7/24/03 pm.
KDi in TX

> After Reading the posts, it's just not the same, maybe tomorrow this section will be more inviting, but right now, just trying to get used to coming to this section is kinda - okay - it's not kinda it's very hard.
> Now, I have to switch back and forth trying to read everything so I can figure out where to put the relevant information or questions or whatever - dang, I should not inhaled so much peroxide today.
> Sorry
> =(
> Cher


Effexor Club, There's the Cher we know love » CherC68

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:47:16

In reply to Re: I'm Sorry, posted by CherC68 on July 26, 2003, at 21:09:58

Glad you were here first to break the ice. Kindof like switching schools in midyear, yanno? It's new, it's change (change is BAD to my "creature of habit" way of thinking). I developed a comfort level in Psycho-B. I think we ought to keep Effexor Club in the Subject Line over here. Not to exclude anyone in Social-B but to make it easier for the others to find it. I refuse to let this support group get divided and conquered by depression and confusion. Oh, by the way, I'm up to 300mg a day now, and I've lost another therapist due to Ietria shutting down it's Mental Health area. "Not profitable enough"
Grrrrr. Hope you are doing fine.
KDi in Texas


Re: Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » KimberlyDi

Posted by CherC68 on July 28, 2003, at 18:16:55

In reply to Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » CherC68, posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:28:33

YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH - KimberlyDi is back in Town. We missed you. We are right now emailing back and forth to each other. I will write more later as dinner is almost ready. I'm sure you gathered by reading through the posts that the pooop has hit the fan - so to speak.

Missed you so very much as well as the other girls. We're missing Willie too. I think we will end up coming here, I check daily, but I've been thinking about you.

If you want on our email list - please write to me. The girls are anxious cause they haven't heard from you lately.

Biggest and Warmest Hugs Kim,


Re: Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » KimberlyDi

Posted by CherC68 on July 28, 2003, at 18:17:35

In reply to Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » CherC68, posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:28:33

YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH - KimberlyDi is back in Town. We missed you. We are right now emailing back and forth to each other. I will write more later as dinner is almost ready. I'm sure you gathered by reading through the posts that the pooop has hit the fan - so to speak.

Missed you so very much as well as the other girls. We're missing Willie too. I think we will end up coming here, I check daily, but I've been thinking about you.

If you want on our email list - please write to me. The girls are anxious cause they haven't heard from you lately.

Biggest and Warmest Hugs Kim,


Re: Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » KimberlyDi

Posted by CherC68 on July 28, 2003, at 18:18:21

In reply to Cher! Yankeegirl! Found y'all. hi to social b! » CherC68, posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:28:33

YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH - KimberlyDi is back in Town. We missed you. We are right now emailing back and forth to each other. I will write more later as dinner is almost ready. I'm sure you gathered by reading through the posts that the pooop has hit the fan - so to speak.

Missed you so very much as well as the other girls. We're missing Willie too. I think we will end up coming here, I check daily, but I've been thinking about you.

If you want on our email list - please write to me. The girls are anxious cause they haven't heard from you lately.

Biggest and Warmest Hugs Kim,


Re: Effexor Club » KimberlyDi

Posted by CherC68 on July 28, 2003, at 19:20:50

In reply to Effexor Club, There's the Cher we know love » CherC68, posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:47:16

Dear KDi and everyone,

Sorry about the above three posts - I almost made it 4 - it kept saying website not responding and I couldn't make it work - but it worked all right!

KDi, You are not losing us at all, and I will join you here so you are not lonley, Yankee will probably join, but we are now in email=mania right now.

Rundown - Susy, Zinya, Mercedes, Yankee, Daph & Nyia and I have been emailing back and forth. Just email me if you want on our email list, and I can give you a quick synopsis of what's up.

We sort have been spraying Bactine and Neosporan and Curad bandaids and healing kisses on each others wounds we received during the transition.

I wonder what exactly it is called the medical terminology or psychological terminology that caused us such upheaval or rejection like qualities on having our posts redirected.

I am understanding it a bit more, and I think the others are understanding it too, but there are still hurt feelings.

There are other issues on why some are not posting yet, trust is a big part of it and the realization that - we are putting our personal lives on line in front of anyone that can figure out our sign on names and search google.

I'm pretty much the pathetic loser of the bunch in this regard. My screen name on aol and email is the same as my name on here. Can you say dumb ass please? Someone pointed it out and I guess I was in denial.

Let's say my insurance company (which has my friggin' email address) does a search of it) guess how many hits they would get? Maybe a few regarding my cousin's band [insert plug here - EAT A PEACH] lol and guessed it - here - Dr. Bob & the Effexor Club. Guess insurance rates could skyrocket huh.

I'm still going on here right now, taking my chances, but future bosses, if I wanted to adopt a baby - all of them can do a search on good ole me with my current screen name and walla - find out....that I'm one crazy broad!

Again, let me know if you want on the list - and I'm sure the others will be coming back.

If anyone sees Willie - give a big hug for me and my email address

okay - Now to KDi - How is the 300 level doing? What se's are you having now. Are you having anger problems with it or are you sleeping more or is the adrenalin thing way up there now? I keep thinking about going back on it - but...the zaps were way too much for my tiny brain to handle.

I'm sorry about the loss of another Therapist. I still haven't gotten one yet, but I'm going to do it. I need it desperately. I probably won't do the PDoc thing, seeing as I probably won't take the medicine anyhow.



Re: Effexor Club » KimberlyDi

Posted by zinya on July 28, 2003, at 21:12:21

In reply to Effexor Club, There's the Cher we know love » CherC68, posted by KimberlyDi on July 28, 2003, at 17:47:16


welcome back! we missed you!! i know Cher has written you already... When this all suddenly got upended on Friday night and our posts were getting redirected all over the place, i left you and Willie a post on our old site to tell you how to find us, but i don't know if that post is even still here... If you feel like 'catching up' and you've gotten the drift of how this site works, on the "master page" at the top you'd have to enter the archived posts for the week of 7/19 (seems that each Saturday that shelve the previous week's posts and start over ... It's very different the way it works here. And indeed it caught us so off guard and RIGHT in the middle of an intense thread of personal sharings, having no idea we weren't supposed to be doing that ... so we just found each other by e-mail and have written like crazy over the weekend (well, i sort of) ... Anyway, we'd love to have you write to Cher's address and join us if you're interested, as an alternative, regardless of what we wind up doing ... In any event we can no longer have a one-site-serves-all kind of place for dealing with our meds and "issues" too ...

Gosh you went to 300! and i went to 150! i'm dying to hear... I'll also go back to Eff and see if you've posted there...

again, welcome back!

> Cher,
> Glad you were here first to break the ice. Kindof like switching schools in midyear, yanno? It's new, it's change (change is BAD to my "creature of habit" way of thinking). I developed a comfort level in Psycho-B. I think we ought to keep Effexor Club in the Subject Line over here. Not to exclude anyone in Social-B but to make it easier for the others to find it. I refuse to let this support group get divided and conquered by depression and confusion. Oh, by the way, I'm up to 300mg a day now, and I've lost another therapist due to Ietria shutting down it's Mental Health area. "Not profitable enough"
> Grrrrr. Hope you are doing fine.
> KDi in Texas


Re: Effexor Club » CherC68

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 29, 2003, at 9:44:37

In reply to Re: Effexor Club » KimberlyDi, posted by CherC68 on July 28, 2003, at 19:20:50

Don't feel bad about using your same email address name for your Psycho-Bab name. Look at my name. Di is short for my middle name "Diane". DUH! DOH!

Believe me, I over-analyzed my feelings about being re-directed. I think it feels like we lost our "Club House", our Spot, our place to belong. We have to search now, to see where everyone is hanging out. When before, we had "our group's thread". And "oh no", we might post in the wrong spot and nobody will post back! We won't feel loved! "Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms." Why my mom taught me that ditty, I'll never know. I'm laughing at myself for being so darn needy. But I probably will change my nick to KDi in Texas here.

My Effexor increase is a pain right now because of increased SE's. I'm tired all the time. But I know from experience now to give it some time.
{{{{{{{{{hugs to Cher & everyone}}}}}}}}}
KDi in Texas
> Dear KDi and everyone,
> Sorry about the above three posts - I almost made it 4 - it kept saying website not responding and I couldn't make it work - but it worked all right!
> KDi, You are not losing us at all, and I will join you here so you are not lonley, Yankee will probably join, but we are now in email=mania right now.
> Rundown - Susy, Zinya, Mercedes, Yankee, Daph & Nyia and I have been emailing back and forth. Just email me if you want on our email list, and I can give you a quick synopsis of what's up.
> We sort have been spraying Bactine and Neosporan and Curad bandaids and healing kisses on each others wounds we received during the transition.
> I wonder what exactly it is called the medical terminology or psychological terminology that caused us such upheaval or rejection like qualities on having our posts redirected.
> I am understanding it a bit more, and I think the others are understanding it too, but there are still hurt feelings.
> There are other issues on why some are not posting yet, trust is a big part of it and the realization that - we are putting our personal lives on line in front of anyone that can figure out our sign on names and search google.
> I'm pretty much the pathetic loser of the bunch in this regard. My screen name on aol and email is the same as my name on here. Can you say dumb ass please? Someone pointed it out and I guess I was in denial.
> Let's say my insurance company (which has my friggin' email address) does a search of it) guess how many hits they would get? Maybe a few regarding my cousin's band [insert plug here - EAT A PEACH] lol and guessed it - here - Dr. Bob & the Effexor Club. Guess insurance rates could skyrocket huh.
> I'm still going on here right now, taking my chances, but future bosses, if I wanted to adopt a baby - all of them can do a search on good ole me with my current screen name and walla - find out....that I'm one crazy broad!
> Again, let me know if you want on the list - and I'm sure the others will be coming back.
> If anyone sees Willie - give a big hug for me and my email address
> okay - Now to KDi - How is the 300 level doing? What se's are you having now. Are you having anger problems with it or are you sleeping more or is the adrenalin thing way up there now? I keep thinking about going back on it - but...the zaps were way too much for my tiny brain to handle.
> I'm sorry about the loss of another Therapist. I still haven't gotten one yet, but I'm going to do it. I need it desperately. I probably won't do the PDoc thing, seeing as I probably won't take the medicine anyhow.
> Love,
> Cher


Effexor Club_Hi Zinya! Found your post in Psy-Bab (nm)

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 29, 2003, at 9:47:35

In reply to Re: Effexor Club » KimberlyDi, posted by zinya on July 28, 2003, at 21:12:21


Re: I'm Here....

Posted by willie on July 31, 2003, at 23:20:50

In reply to Pleasers w/men who are Controllers « Yankeegirl, posted by Dr. Bob on July 24, 2003, at 19:19:57

Hey you know how good it made me feel to see that you wrote that you missed me? Gave me the biggest smile, it really warmed my heart.

Well, got back from Vegas today...My body is still on Pacific time so here I sit doing laundry at midnight and trying to catch up with my buddies. Vegas was wonderful...we stayed at a resort just outside of Vegas so it was very relaxing. We did some sight seeing...saw the Hoover Dam and "The Strip" gambling though. That's not our thing. It was very relaxing.

I'm doing very well....we'll see what I'm like tomorrow trying to adjust to the time difference. I've got company coming for the long weekend (is it a long weekend in the US too?) so I won't be able to get on the thread very often but I'll check in whenever I can.

I actually don't mind this's a lot shorter than the other one where you had to scroll down so often just to see the latest postings.

Cher, as much as I'd love to join the private husband and I share our email address and he doesn't know that I've been posting on the web so I think I'll communicate with you guys here.

You sound much better...have you found a pdoc yet? You know I'll haunt you about that until you do (only because I care).

I've missed all of you too...I can't wait to hear how everyone's been doing. I'll try to get on the thread again tomorrow but if not, I'll check in on Tuesday.

Take care to you soon


Hi Willie, welcome home! :)) » willie

Posted by zinya on August 2, 2003, at 13:38:51

In reply to Re: I'm Here...., posted by willie on July 31, 2003, at 23:20:50

hi willie!

It's so good to hear from you. And especially to hear that you're feeling good (albeit reserving judgment to see what jet lag leaves you with plus a weekend of company)...

When you get back here, know that we indeed missed you and felt especially bad that the upheaval here happened without being able to reach you at the time. Our posts started getting redirected right and left, some to social here, some to adminstrative (which i still haven't gone to) and a few left in Effexor. I wrote a post to you in particular on Effexor to advise you how to find us and which threads to go to to read what had happened, but i don't know where that post went .. As you may have discovered already, numerous posts here on Social which say they were sent by Dr. Bob actually contain our cumulative posts lumped together and redirected here ...

I understand your reasoning and wondered myself if others would have similar e-mail concerns but for 7 of us thus far it has been more comfortable to resume the kind of sharing which had just begun to take on a bonding kind of intensity at the moment we unwittingly got derailed (which was why it felt so disruptive and alternately wounding and angering to some precisely because it interrupted communication at some very vulnerable moments), but i do still go to Effexor to post about side effect and dosage level matters and check in here periodically.

So i will do again next week to see if you've posted again and will make a point of also posting here, especially with your being here as point of contact...

wishing you very well!
love and hugs,


Effexor Club is a great idea

Posted by alluredbit on August 3, 2003, at 19:21:54

In reply to Hi Willie, welcome home! :)) » willie, posted by zinya on August 2, 2003, at 13:38:51

Hello everyone,

I just started on Effexor regular two days ago, and I spent the last two days reading thorugh three years posting on the Anyone Had Success on EFFEXOR XR thread.. (I did not use quotation, I don't want to irritate Dr. Bob, hehe).

I must say that I spent the last days soaking up the very support and encouragment I need the most right now - just by reading the messages. I never been on AD med before although I spent the last year talking to a theraphist about it. I finally made the decision to go this way, and I was not sure what to expect. Now I think I know, and I do understand that not even the most devoted and talented therapist or doctor can ever put it in words what is said here. :)

I would like to visit this thread as often as I can (I just wish the navigation would be a little easier, but I think the framed version works good enough) because what I learned is that if I find a person or a number of people who has comparable successes and failures in regards of the results, we all will have more info to share with our doctors and with each other. The things I already learned here will help me so much when I will talk to my doctor about the progress! I am so greatful to all of you who made the effort to post, and allowed me to see what you went through all these years.

Best wishes,


Effexor Club is a great idea » alluredbit

Posted by KimberlyDi on August 4, 2003, at 9:12:08

In reply to Effexor Club is a great idea, posted by alluredbit on August 3, 2003, at 19:21:54

Welcome Sandor,
There have been lots of negative posts lately about Effexor. Know that the most serious issue is withdrawal when you stop taking it. I've been on it since May 2003 and it was a lifesaver. Effexor combined with therapy kept me sane during a very stressful period in my life. The Side Effects (SE's) are annoying though.

If you have problems sleeping or experience the early morning wakeups (3:00am), try Benedryl. Sometimes you can *tweak* the effectiveness of Effexor by changing the time of day you take it from morning to night, or vice versa. If Effexor isn't for you, taper off slowly.

btw, there are alot of very nice people in the "effexor club".

Good Luck!


How AD meds work?

Posted by alluredbit on August 4, 2003, at 20:31:46

In reply to Effexor Club is a great idea » alluredbit, posted by KimberlyDi on August 4, 2003, at 9:12:08

Thank Kimberly for your welcome. I am in the third day on 37 mg and I can't feel much, except some slight stomach irritation. I do hear crispy-rice popping in the back of my head, but I hear that without meds for many years now.. After five days I will up the dose to 75mg, and stay there for 6 weeks.

But how this thing works exactly? I tried to do my Tai Chi today, but I am still forcing myself. I tried anyways, I went to the big rocks at the Lake (I live near Chicago) where I used to practice years ago, but today I still hated the attention I received.

My threapist is telling me to keep trying, but it is hard when you just hate to do it as soon as someone approaches. Not the talking part that bothers me, but I feel like my privacy, my personal space is invaded. Very stupid indeed, people keep generous distance, it is a public location, they are very friendly and they don't want to annoy me.. So, when my medication works will these unreasonable feelings go away, or they always stay but I will be able to ignore the feelings? I mean how does this work based on experience, not on sales broshures or (no offence intended) from academic point of view?

In the past I never really cared for any audience, I always prefered if people don't show up to watch.. But when they did I was able to ignore anything and anybody while practicing. Now I can't, and of course, you can't practice and enjoy your art that way. Also, in the past when I stopped and they started asking questions I was already in different mindset and answering was no problem - actually, I made a few friends that way. So, my therapist is telling me that when they find a med that works I might even enjoy the attention, because he suspects that even that mild rejection was an early sign of social un-comfort. Hard to believe.

Oh, btw, I seem to be a perfect match for Effexor.. I have depression and social axinety, with all the stress-related axinety. Tai Chi was very good to me so far in managing stress related issues, until depression and the social thing slammed down on me a few years ago. I really wish meds would work, even if they turn me into a nicer person than I ever was :)


Re: Effexor club

Posted by willie on August 5, 2003, at 11:27:58

In reply to Pleasers w/men who are Controllers « Yankeegirl, posted by Dr. Bob on July 24, 2003, at 19:19:57

Hey effexor is getting a workout today I'll tell ya. Just found out that my husband's company is in the process of being bought out so I guess we'll find out if he still has a job in the next few months once the acquisition is final. Work is crazy...we usually have 6 people in our area but currently just have the two of us due to maternity leave (we get 1 year for mat leave in Canada) and people being transfered. Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. Don't know if it's the effexor keeping me mellow or if it's due to me being tired or perhaps I've slipped into a depression and just haven't noticed it yet??? Oh well...whatever it is it's keeping me sane right now. How is everyone doing? Cher, how are you? Willie


Re: Effexor club » willie

Posted by KimberlyDi on August 6, 2003, at 11:54:37

In reply to Re: Effexor club, posted by willie on August 5, 2003, at 11:27:58

Effexor is getting a workout in my life too. Drugs can't fix everything. <sigh> I don't see the club much anymore. I hope things will work out for you!!! The economy is tough here in the states too.

Good Luck,
KDi in Texas

> Hey effexor is getting a workout today I'll tell ya. Just found out that my husband's company is in the process of being bought out so I guess we'll find out if he still has a job in the next few months once the acquisition is final. Work is crazy...we usually have 6 people in our area but currently just have the two of us due to maternity leave (we get 1 year for mat leave in Canada) and people being transfered. Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. Don't know if it's the effexor keeping me mellow or if it's due to me being tired or perhaps I've slipped into a depression and just haven't noticed it yet??? Oh well...whatever it is it's keeping me sane right now. How is everyone doing? Cher, how are you? Willie


Re: I'm Here....Willie » willie

Posted by CherC68 on August 7, 2003, at 20:22:20

In reply to Re: I'm Here...., posted by willie on July 31, 2003, at 23:20:50

Dear Willie,

I understand about the emails and your husband. We have been doing the emails amongst ourselves, Mercedes, Zinya, Susy, Yankee, Daphnis & Nyia (crap - I am having a hard time remembering the "on-line names". I had to look them up. I know them by their first names.

I do understand and I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I've had a very very rough time lately. I've been sharing with the girls and about had a breakdown.

I'm having surgery on August 27 on my right hand for carpal tunnel and again on October 8th. I've actually gained the strength (after over 30 years) to tell my father about being molested when I was young by three different men in our neighborhood. I've never been good at sharing. I also told him about being raped when I turned 18 by two men.

My father went in for prostate biopsy and it came out negative. That same day he showed up to calk something at my house - and I just told him. I've never been good at telling people my problems, but it has helped a lot.

How are you doing? I am not taking anything. I have Xanax for really bad days, but, I try not to take any.

I've heard stuff about Paxil, so I may try that. I just got shots in my foot Tuesday and physically haven't been feeling too great. I'm hoping to start calling therapists on Monday.

Dont' know that i can do the PDoc (medicine thing) but...right now worried more about insurance, because I'm seeing a Foot Doctor and then surgery - and I went to the dentist and had old cavities removed and replaced - so I've used my insurance so much, I'm a bit apprehensive to use any more of my insurance for therapy - but I know I have to.

The beginnign of this week was almost too much to bear and I called Zinya. I've had her number since June, but....was almost besides myself and she helped. All the girls have helped in so many ways.

If you ever get a chance to get your own email account and want to email me you can at

I miss talking to you and I will try to keep up with the Social Babble.

I can tell you that for the occasional posts by Zinya and maybe Yankee - we will not be coming back here regularly. I will if just to check on you and KimberlyDi - but we don't feel safe on here talking. We have shared too many personal things that can come back to haunt us, and actually would have loved to stay, but the feeling for Babble isn't the same, and we don't feel comfortable here anymore.

I will still pop in to check on you and keep you posted.

Big Hugs,


Re: I'm Here....Willie » CherC68

Posted by KimberlyDi on August 9, 2003, at 14:05:17

In reply to Re: I'm Here....Willie » willie, posted by CherC68 on August 7, 2003, at 20:22:20

Nice to see your post. Tell everyone I said "hi". Trying to figure out why I had an aversion to doing the email thing, I came to the conclusion that it was too personal for me. My ex-therapist told me that I have a problem with intimacy. Random posts are one thing, emails kindof require replys which equates to people having expectations and I don't deal well with those. <sigh> And I thought I was getting better.

Just me and my barriers to prevent any emotional attachments.

Miss all of y'all.
KDi in Texas

> Dear Willie,
> I understand about the emails and your husband. We have been doing the emails amongst ourselves, Mercedes, Zinya, Susy, Yankee, Daphnis & Nyia (crap - I am having a hard time remembering the "on-line names". I had to look them up. I know them by their first names.
> I do understand and I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I've had a very very rough time lately. I've been sharing with the girls and about had a breakdown.
> I'm having surgery on August 27 on my right hand for carpal tunnel and again on October 8th. I've actually gained the strength (after over 30 years) to tell my father about being molested when I was young by three different men in our neighborhood. I've never been good at sharing. I also told him about being raped when I turned 18 by two men.
> My father went in for prostate biopsy and it came out negative. That same day he showed up to calk something at my house - and I just told him. I've never been good at telling people my problems, but it has helped a lot.
> How are you doing? I am not taking anything. I have Xanax for really bad days, but, I try not to take any.
> I've heard stuff about Paxil, so I may try that. I just got shots in my foot Tuesday and physically haven't been feeling too great. I'm hoping to start calling therapists on Monday.
> Dont' know that i can do the PDoc (medicine thing) but...right now worried more about insurance, because I'm seeing a Foot Doctor and then surgery - and I went to the dentist and had old cavities removed and replaced - so I've used my insurance so much, I'm a bit apprehensive to use any more of my insurance for therapy - but I know I have to.
> The beginnign of this week was almost too much to bear and I called Zinya. I've had her number since June, but....was almost besides myself and she helped. All the girls have helped in so many ways.
> If you ever get a chance to get your own email account and want to email me you can at
> I miss talking to you and I will try to keep up with the Social Babble.
> I can tell you that for the occasional posts by Zinya and maybe Yankee - we will not be coming back here regularly. I will if just to check on you and KimberlyDi - but we don't feel safe on here talking. We have shared too many personal things that can come back to haunt us, and actually would have loved to stay, but the feeling for Babble isn't the same, and we don't feel comfortable here anymore.
> I will still pop in to check on you and keep you posted.
> Big Hugs,
> Cher


Re: Effexor club » KimberlyDi

Posted by CherC68 on August 9, 2003, at 16:12:09

In reply to Re: Effexor club » willie, posted by KimberlyDi on August 6, 2003, at 11:54:37

Dear Kimberly,

I understand what you mean. I have never stuck with a single thing in my life. Friends, men, jobs, clubs.

The Effexor Club - Ya Ya Sisterhood or the "Mighty Seven" as we call ourselves would be great as the Mighty Eight or Nine with you and Willie, but its so understood.

If there was a way we could have this kind of posting but have it only by "invite only" - we would do it.

I am down to 2 emails right now, but at one point had 100 emails. We are now working out the details, because some of the girls work and some don't.

Sometimes, we do feel some pressure because we don't want to miss an important email and with over 100 sometimes to go through if you miss a day, it's overwhelming.

But, right now, it is worth it. 100%. We are now working out details for the subject line - if there is something that needs to be heard asap - and if it's just a comment or a suggestion.

I cannot believe that we are still at it though, and each one of us has progressed so much. My suicidal thoughts are so far in the back of my head now. Last week, I didn't think I would be here today, and actually it wasn't suicidal thoughts, it was the past being relived through my mind to their minds, and just in the telling - made me more at peace than anything.

The following is an excerpt of a recent email I sent to the Magnificent Seven - "Effexor Club" Ladies:
"I will be honest here though. I too felt overwhelmed when last week I had over 100 emails. I was nervous and I thought I'd never get through them. I did. I would wake up and see I still had 81 or 90 after I know for a fact I read at least 40 the day before.

Not everything has to be commented upon, the way I did it was pick one person and read their emails.

That started not working for me because I was so afraid someone was going to be so damn sad or something would be wrong with someone and I would miss it.

I just took my time. Sometimes we get busy, like you did and you were gone for a few days and XXXXXXX will be gone for a few days. Also, my hands hurt, and WE ALL HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO.

Nobody, NOT ONE PERSON IN THIS GROUP. Expects everyone to sit here, and spend our entire day reading emails.

I was so anxious and I've never finished anything EVER IN MY LIFE - That is Borderline Personality. If you ever get a chance to read on Borderline you will see this. I AM A QUITTER. I quit everything. I get bored easily.

I was afraid I was going to quit the group because it was becoming more depressing because I was afraid of failing to respond correctly to someone's email. I was afraid I would miss someone's point. I was afriad of saying the wrong thing - or that I could not catch up.

I was afraid that I would be taking more from you all that I gave. This was my biggest fear.

You all became almost a burden on my soul because I thought I WOULD FAIL YOU ALL so miserably, that I thought I should quit the group - and write you all a small but polite email, saying I cannot continue with this group.


I need you all very much, and there may be days when I'm tense because I have so much to do and I cannot even open my bills let alone pay them, but I will stick it out here. I will be here always for you all.

Please don't feel sad xxxxxx. I really hope that I am the only person that feels this way, cause it sucks. But, with all of your help, I've reached so many milestones. I'm making it, with all your help, and I am not going anywhere.

There may be a day or two you don't hear from me - because like xxxxxxx - I may get sick, there may be times I'm on vacation. It's gonna happen, but I will be back.

Also, like with xxxxxx, I could say nothing of comfort and felt overwhelmed because I felt like I was failing her because her pain was a bit too much for me to take and I wept.

I love you guys. Please don't be overwhelmed or Sad xXXXX.

Everyone, please know I'm here and I wanted to be honest about my feelings. I love you all, but want you to know that I too get overwhelmed and there should be NO PRESSURE reading emails - but yet - my subject header is READ THIS FIRST lol - oh well. I'm an oxymoron or is it just Moron?

Willie & KimberlyDi,

This is the best support group I have ever had in my entire life. We are all so beautiful and unique and loving. I'm the hard a** of the group, but man I do sound mushy sometimes,

I am shocked on how many similar experiences and how many unfamiliar experiences we have all had and how much we have grown, but we are willing to share with you guys if you ever need us. It's working for us.

I do owe a thanks to Dr. Bob (and Effexor & Google) because I think that's how we all arrived at Babble.

I just don't like the fact that I can be monitored or censored.

I don't like the fact that someone who may personally know me may stumble upon Babble and read personal things about me - whether it be my neighbor and enemy a past-present-future boss.

Thank you for writing Kimberly, and like I told Willie - I will check back with the postings here.

Big Hugs,


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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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