Posted by Susan47 on March 14, 2006, at 17:13:42
It was an animus/anima thing for me and whether that's true or not might never be known .. well, for me it was one thing, you see, for someone else it might or might not be that, but either way it got me into a lot a lot a LOT of trouble which I unintentional/intentionally brought about, I still don't understand, I wish I could take Psych, I wish my brain WORKED so I could go to school, so I could learn stuff, so philosophy and theory and stuff could maybe start to put my life together to make some sense .. I fell in LOVE with a man who seemed to know all that, but I fell in love with what I thought about who he was, which is what I love, which is what I feel about me, which is that I have this Desire to Feel, and Understand, or maybe just the desire to live, live, LIVE .. as much as a person can, in this body.