Posted by MichaelJr on November 16, 2005, at 12:24:27
ok maybe that is a little exaggeration.
When I miss 1 day of it, it is a very very painful feeling. I am craving the drug so bad. I dont sweat, its just that my body is so addicted to it. I can't really imagine a withdrawal from a drug like heroine could be all that much worse to be honest.
I am also really interested to see how I would do off the drug for a little bit. I am on 120mg now and have been on it for a year.
Even one day I took 80mg instead of 120mg and felt like absolute sh*t! Much worse depression than I felt before I was even on the meds.
I am 24 years old and dont feel that my sex life should be shot because of these damn drugs. Sex is really not that pleasurable for me now and it takes me a long time. Also I'd say I've lost about 60% of the feeling and sensitivity in that area.
Anyway, any tips?