Posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 9:40:10
In reply to Re: experimenting on the nurses, posted by alexandra_k on May 5, 2020, at 9:22:36
I mean.. There is no journal.
There is no philosphy journal.
Philosophy professor gets to publish in NZ medical student journal only so students on the MBChB /PhD (and that's internationally recognised -- right??) pathway never get to publish anything in the NZ medical student journal because their supervisors would prefer the world to think they are stupid such that nobody will sign the student off and they can do the professors research and even teaching work for them indefinately. Imean... 10 years later and NZ universtes have still no tsigned their grad students off.
NZ universities do not listen to external examiners when it coems to sign off.
they have it into their heads that they are entitled to MAXIMUM studnet fees fo rMAXIMUM unrolment. MAXIMUM number of examination (revise and resubimt ALWAYS given as outcome of first examinatino INEPENTLY of reports of external examiners.
The Unvierities of NZ DO NOT LISTEN to reports of external examiners.
Their attitude / mindset is that international exmainers are stupid / slow to catch on to (what they believe is) a situation wereby all the Universities of thw orld would unite and agree to foce all studnets to take maximum time.
They don't undertand that advanced graduate research degrees are decided on objective standar. They are not 'bums on seats for maximum time' degrees.
NZ Univeristies have made them 'bums on seats fo rmaximum time' degrees because no matter what the examiners say they refuse to sign otheir studnets off.
This means that external examiners cna only say they don't rate our graduates. They see that students who are ready for sign off produce work that is of lesser quality (under direction of their supvervisor) 6 months later-- when examiners said they were willing to sing the studnets off.
It isnt' stolen generation when teh student pays you to process their work and you refuse and only edit it worse in teh hope that your student will be failed.
sniff. whin.e i'll be forced to live out eh back room of my supervisors mansion working for them for minimu or no wage forever because they refused to sig me off...
nobody respects our eduation system:: rightly:: It's compelte ant utter garbage.
Is the only ting they allow to go to external examiners.