Posted by alexandra_k on October 1, 2015, at 16:28:04
In reply to Re: better-ish, posted by alexandra_k on September 29, 2015, at 15:52:30
So then she went and there were a couple guys right up the front. Standing around before the lecture. One of them looked suspiciously like my old t / p-doc from Aussie. So I didn't look properly, of course. Because if it really was him... That would be just too damned bizarre.
What are they (is me) trying to tell me?
I don't think I wanted to do psychiatry for the wrong reasons. I do think that I wouldn't have been able to last very long at it. How come? Because damn near everybody else didn't last very long at it, either. So damned underfunded... Such need... There has been a stream of p-docs from there... Turns out they don't have any qualifications (they are fraudsters, basically). I think it really is THAT HARD to recruit people to the region. And they practice for ages before getting caught, too. And they get caught for things like... Well... The last guy... Sounds like he got in trouble for admitting someone when he was supposed to release them. I know people think that is horrible - given past abuses of psychiatry. But once you understand the typical housing situation in this country and so on... Most likely he got into trouble for trying to treat someone that the more senior people had decided to give up on. Or something... I don't know... I do know nobody in their right mind would want to be a p-doc for that district health board. Fairly sure. And I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes. That's for sure. Even though most of the people (p-docs) have moved along now... The situation is still much the same.
There are so many cool sounding things... Radiology, too. Maybe I should do that physics paper... And more cell biology... I just really found that the medsci part of biosci was great (the lecturers, the content) and the biology people... I don't get them. I don't get their multi-guess. I don't like their labs. I don't like the instructions on their labs... I don't mesh at all. Maybe it is a first year artifact and things get better next year? I feel like they screwed me over a little with throwing so much content at us in such a short space that was secondary school based. Instead of scattering it a bit to give the rest of us a chance... And they tested us on things they hadn't taught us (some of those I got right because of not having a standard background - but I still don't think that is particularly fair). I don't know. I don't know. I would like to do more mechanics... But a bad physics / chemistry / biology person... My interest isn't resilient enough to cope, particularly. I don't know.
The whole DID thing... I wonder if that will come out to haunt me at some point. Whether it is haunting me already. Hard to tell online.. But seems to me that some people are getting graduate entry places on the basis of degrees done overseas... Or NZ degrees done more than 5 years ago. So why not me? People are getting told to have a reduced workload to prepare and only B average. So why didn't they think I'd get through on that? Maybe it is because I'm not 'I want to be a GP in a rural community'. Maybe that is it. I don't quite understand how many places really are left after they've given the places to the doctors kids... And the academics kids... I don't know. The kids whose parents have invested a lot in their education... How many then? The equity places... Nobody will notice you aren't giving them any treatment at all so long as you are nice. That's what really matters, of course. Being nice.
Anyway... I got sick. Pretty bad. Still recovering. F*ck*d up the musculoskeletal lab. Somehow I convinced myself that they didnt' really expect us to learn the chicken leg muscles and so on... And of course, they did. Only 1 month till exams. Law the morning of medsci. Cries. Couldn't be worse for exam scheduling. And not multiguess. We need to be able to draw flow charts and stuff. And it is really unclear how much detail they want / expect. We don't have model answers. Sort of. Anyway... A bit afraid I may bomb the exam. Anyway... Just keep on trucking...
I hope they let me apply from the end of next year. I'm.... Really ambivalent about staying here for 3rd year since... I'm not that into any of the 3rd year papers they offer. Anatomy goes away after next year it seems. Of course the OTHER uni (down south) offers anatomy major. And they do human limb dissection 3rd year. If I move down there... FFs... Getting a bit tired...