Posted by carolina on July 6, 2005, at 12:32:43
In reply to Could I be Pregnant? HELP, posted by woolav on July 6, 2005, at 10:11:45
i was just in the same sit. go take a test to get the stress of not knowing off u.then take things 1 step at a may not seem like it now but things WILL work out.ive taken meds through both my pregnancies where my boys lived(im high risk) and they r perfectly healthy.i am like clockwork and my 2nd baby was not even 6 months old and i was late. i was already 6 wks preg b4 i took a test b/c i had been soooo careful that i didnt think i could be but... i was scared b/c i worried what my meds had done and the drs were telling me my hcg levels werent doubling and i just couldnt bring myself 2 have an abortion even though they told me something wasnt right.dont get me wrong,i had even scheduled an appt 2 terminate the preg but couldnt do it-i decided to leave it up 2 God and im not a very religous person. well they did the 4th ultrasound and told me that she was fine,healthy w a good heartbeat and 3 days later i found out the same day they gave me her 1st pic she became an angel.the best thing u can do is 1-take a test and depending on the results, see an ob dr asap. they know a lot of women r on meds that they need,even during pregnancy and can answer questions and tell u their medical opion regarding ur meds and if u r and decide to terminate the preg. seek help b/c i had a friend who became more depressed and got into heavy drinking and drugs 2 cope w/ the pain. im here either way-take care