Posted by AdaGrace on October 25, 2004, at 13:37:00
Please review the following subjects for things that AdaGrace talks about that might be offensive to others. Each of you may choose your favorite and please let me know which ones you find offensive so I may curtail those subjects in the future.
1. belly fat
2. sex - good and bad
3. squealing pigs
4. Poon Tang
5. spit
6. peeling skin
7. flying purple people eaters
8. projectile vomiting
9. green rotating heads
10. playing with Bobby and B.O.B. batteries
11. self-love, the Big "O" and "I can't get no"
12. extramarital affairs
13. withcraft (double double toil and trouble)
14. porn stars
15. politics
16. alcohol and unethical practices with it
17. Rodney Dangerfield
18. bodily functions
19. skivies
20. double hocky sticks - when we know what word I was referring to now don't we childrenMy goodness I have a lot don't I??
21. humor and some peoples lack there of (PBC)
22. my own stupidity and low self worth
23. other's seemily imature reactions
24. sarcasm and why it isn't always clear
25. eating myself sick (no pun intended here)
26. D.I.V.O.R.C.E.
27. taking a bath in front of a male nurse
28. lifting body parts to clean underneath
29. body partsand at last #30. reading Jay's self love site during work hours.
Now, people lets all join together and tell me exactly which one(s) (you may chose more than one) of the above listed topics that I have posted or responded about would you consider un-civil, offensive, or the like.
Come on, come on, don't be shy.........
If you need specific directions to the posts in questions, I cannot help you on that for I am new and have no clue how to do that. However, I am well aware that there are those that do know, you might direct your questions to them.
Those of you who would like to rip this or any and all of my posts to shreds feel free to do so. Afterall, you are going to with or without my permission or involvement.
Have a lovely bowl of cherries day,