Posted by Emme on October 4, 2004, at 23:37:32
The talk about loneliness was making me think about whether having friends IRL with mood and anxiety problems helps with my sense of isolation/loneliness or not. I decided it depends on the person.
Then just for kicks I did the head count. I jotted it down and about *half* have some history of depression, postpartum depression, bipolar, OCD, or anxiety/panic! (With a few of those, it's a strong suspicion.) Their conditions aren't all severe, but some have been. With most of these folks, their disorders hadn't emerged when I first met them. In most cases, mine hadn't either.
That means: either birds of a feather instintively flock together without knowing it. Or mood and anxiety problems are incredibly common. Or both.
How 'bout you guys? Are you surrounded by fellow sufferers by chance?
And yes. Loneliness is the pits. When I have a bad social life, it wrecks my perspective and I feel less normal and mood control gets worse. As does being around people I have absolutely nothing in common with.