Posted by Partlycloudy on August 14, 2013, at 20:16:15
In reply to Re: PTSD triggers galore, and escalation, crowded, posted by baseball55 on August 14, 2013, at 19:37:21
> >
> > I wish I had a tranquility tank. Has anyone ever tried one of those?
> >
> > PC
> No tranquility tank but I do meditate and do a gratitude list each day. I learned how to meditate mostly by working with a DBT therapist. They specialize in PTSD and focus on learning acceptance and self-compassion. It's been hard and taken me a long while, but all in all, therapy and 12-step groups have changed my life and attitudes. It is not easy to find DBT specialists. I called thirty people before getting an appointment with this woman.
> I also did dynamic psychotherapy with a p-doc for several years. That helped a lot. Helped me talk about my past and work through it instead of trying to bury it. It was my p-doc who urged me to find a DBT group or therapist.
> If you don't live in a major city where you can find a DBT group or therapist, look for a psychodynamic therapist with whom you can form a strong bond of trust.Before all this started getting bad, about a year ago, my T and I were talking about termination. Now I am reading your post and wondering if a change in therapists would be better for me. I have asked her in the past about DBT and she did not seem to think it was right for me at the time. Perhaps with circumstances and the last couple years' experiences it is more appropriate. I don't want to pursue a divorce in order to be happier. It would be the same old me, only without a partner. And it isn't that I don't love him so much, but he has pretty much forgotten that I am a sick person.
Thanks for the thoughts and advice.