Posted by turtle on October 10, 2008, at 18:30:18
Some of you have described your therapists here in ways that have created a vivid mental image of who they are. This got me curious about how different all of the therapists out there are.
In my own experience, I don't always have the words to describe how I feel. Sometimes my mind uses imagery instead.
For much of the relationship with my first therapist, I saw her as a giant, stone, cold, unmovable statue of a Goddess. In relation to her I was an Untouchable, waiting to be struck down by lightening (and often was.) By the end of our therapy relationship, she shifted for me into the image of an insecure high school "mean girl" to my Pariah. (We were completely mismatched even in my image!)
I see my new therapist as the "wise woman" of the village. I'm no longer making it on my own and the entire village has decided it's time to lock me in the Sweat Lodge to work it out. She's the one you want to take in there with you. Wise, centered, spiritual, intellectual, and strong. There will be smoke, chanting, dancing, herbs, visions, and screaming before my emotion fueled fever breaks and I once again emerge whole. The person I am in this image is much more worthy of compassion than my Untouchable and Pariah were. This therapist is a much better fit for me.
Does anyone else have a mental image that fits you and your therapist?
Very Curious Turtle
(Want to join me in the Sweat Lodge?)