Posted by Dinah on May 28, 2007, at 13:14:49
In reply to here you go... the ethics thread, posted by gazo on May 28, 2007, at 9:52:06
How about seduction? If you look it up in the spellchecker here, it says:
One entry found for seduction.
Main Entry: se·duc·tion
Pronunciation: si-'d&k-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Late Latin seduction-, seductio, from Latin, act of leading aside, from seducere
1 : the act of seducing; especially : the enticement of a person to sexual intercourse
2 : something that seduces : TEMPTATION
3 : something that attracts or charmClearly it's not appropriate for a therapist to entice a client to sexual intercourse.
But while my therapist disapproves of seductiveness of therapists towards clients, in a nonsexual sense, I can definitely see times where he himself is seductive, in that same nonsexual sense.
Is that necessarily a bad thing? In version three of the definition, say. To attract or charm. Isn't that part of how they do what they do? Well, I suppose they could prod and needle, but that wouldn't work overly well with me.
Yet how about when the seduction is done to strengthen the attachment? Is that a bad thing? A good thing?
What sort of things do therapists do to seduce?
Clearly this isn't a therapeutic issue only. But does it have extra meaning in therapy?
Certainly I'm guilty of doing it, in the innocent little girl to *good* Daddy (who doesn't abuse it) sort of way. But it seems sort of natural in the developmental stages way for a client to do it. What if the therapist allows himself (or herself) to be seduced? Surely that's a good thing in some ways, if it doesn't go too far? Or is it?
It's a kind of hard thing to tease out sometimes. If I feel seduced, is he being seductive? To be clear, I don't feel seduced all that often or in that many situations in my life. But sometimes I feel a tug towards him that doesn't seem to be generated by me. And sometimes if I look at his actions in that moment, I can see what he's done that could provoke it. Of course, that doesn't mean that his intent was to provoke it.